Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - November 3rd, 2008

And the internet loves you (note: <- this comment might be complete bullpoop)

But what do we know about this device of ropey device used to catch inters?
Weebl and I have made this little guide for E4.com featuring everything you know
(ie. it has Rick Astley and Chocolate Rain in it)

It can be watchified via this link

Also, while we're on the matter, Weebl's also selling some rather nifty calendars, giving the upcoming NG calendar for competition.
Cool kids buy both of them. You do want to be cool, right?

We <3 the Internets

Posted by Wonchop - October 26th, 2008

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Barack Obama. Somehow managing to make 'pie' funny again.

As for actual news, I've been concentrating on uni stuffs, which involves some Maya animation with rigged models and some...shit involving lovesick squirrels or something. If I can get a good chunk of that out of the way, I might make something for Halloween. I've also thought about getting a pumpkin for the carving contest, providing I can find one without deformations and what I can only describe as pumpkin-puss on it. ><

Update: Didn't have time for a halloween flash and pumpkins were sold out =(

And since I don't really have any flash screenies to post, here's a shot of the most controversial game coming this season...

What's Cooking with Jamie Oliver

Obama has a confection.

Posted by Wonchop - September 21st, 2008

Finally I have something to release on NG again!
Anyhoo, I've finished my Madness Day flash and am releasing it a little bit early cos hey, it's pretty much Madness Day in Japan and Australia at least.
Boat 5
There should also be a new toon released on Friday, so look out for that too.
EDIT: Okay, Credit Crunch is now in the portal!
And now to make the contents in this journal almost completely ignorable, here's a Youtube Poop of one of the Catface eps I animated. (I should really get Weebl to release more of those on Newgrounds at some point.)

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Posted by Wonchop - September 6th, 2008

So we had the NG London Meet III last week organised by Luis and it was pretty swell. Here's how the day went.

-Took a 3 hour long train ride, reading a couple of mangas to pass the time.
-Got to London and followed the 'random kid in a Newgrounds t-shirt' to the meeting spot, where I saw such people as Hans van Harken, Sqeezy, HappyHarry87, The EXP, and a bunch of other NGers who I probably won't remember but am grateful for the praise and general non-bashing I recieved from them. (Seriously, no one was all 'god you suck'. What's up with that?) We all bought some Mr Whippy's before Luis showed up later on. We all signed a Tankmen shirt (to which I wrote 'think this is dust?' above the white cloud following the tank.)
-Moved onto Namco Station where we bowled, played games and boozed up, and is where KaynSlamdyke and Tom and Dim eventually showed up. During the time spent, I revelled in my suckage at bowling, won a bunch of tickets which I traded for Drumstick lollies and a cuddly meerkat, got oh so close to winning a PS3 on the oh-so-tortureful Stacker game, which continues to mock me whichever country I'm in, rammed into everyone on the bumper cars (proper bumper cars where you really feel the damage >=3), whupped Sqeezy at DDR and Air Hockey and fumed at the price difference between the two times I bought a Smirnoff Ice.
-Afterwards we went for Pizza and Waffles, got split up and spent the rest of the time with the Flash Bros and The Exp at some pubs (at which point I had become bored of drinking booze and just had a J20 instead) before I had to head back home before all the trains stopped.

So yeah, a simple day out but one that was quite fun, due to the whole socialness of it all.
Hope to attend the next meet at some point. :P

Pics of the meet, including exploitable photoshop moments, can be found here: http://www.brainwashstudios.com/ng-lon don-meet3-day3.html

NG Luncheon Meat

Posted by Wonchop - August 29th, 2008

Castle Crashers
Downloaded due to NG pride, and it's a great title. So stop moaning that it's 1200 points (it's longer than Braid anyway), be patient while they fix the online mode and for god's sake stop asking for a PS3 version. Unless you want to hire The Behemoth a porting team yourself, it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
And while they're fixing the online, you can add my Gamertag: Wonchopmonkeyma (Wonchop was taken, and I didn't notice the 15 letter limit and there's no way I'm paying 800 points for a name change)

Weebl's Stuff's Hiring
Due to work overload, Weebl is once again on the hunt for animators. If you're good with flash and don't mind working with other people's drawings, please contact Weebl via this page, preferably providing links to any work you've done.
Edit: No more entries plz. Weebl's picked someone who will be revealed on the site in a few days, potentially spewing forth masses of irony.

NG London Meet
Gonna go to the Newgrounds meet up in London tomorrow, meeting people like Luis, Super Flash Bros, Sqeezy, Kaynslamdyke and other random people. Should be interesting.

Posted by Wonchop - August 12th, 2008

E4.com, Weebl and myself present the 2nd in our three part animooted guide to stuffs, Guide to Advertsing.
All you ever wanted to know about getting into the industry of brainwashing people to buy stuff.
Be sure to give it a watch. I'm particularly pleased with the gradient animation (more exciting than it sounds, honest.)

Guide to Advertsing on E4.com

Posted by Wonchop - July 25th, 2008

Hey folks. I'm back from my trip to AX2008, and apart from parts that people will have no doubt already bitched about, it was pretty cool. Meeting David Hayter was pretty sweet.
Anyhoo, just a few hours ago I made my animated debut on the silver screen by means of The Kevin Bishop Show (kid from Muppet Treasure Island), with much thanks owed to the Weebl's Stuff team.
OK so yeah, my television debut is a videogame parody (sound familiar?) but for me, it's quite an achievement and I'm pleased with it.
Here's the sketch that was featured today, with hopefully more to come
(First 15 seconds is mine, the rest is done by Weebl.

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Good times. Good times.
There are more sketches done by the Weebl Team expected to show during the 6-part series, which airs on Friday nights at 10pm on Channel 4 (UK).

The Kevin Bishop Show

Posted by Wonchop - June 25th, 2008

A new animation, featuring animation by me and music by Weebl is available to watch exclusively on E4.com!
That's exclusive, as in I can't post it on this site, unfortunately. =( You'll just have to imagine there's a 5 button to be found.


In other news, this Friday I'll be off to America for three weeks, hanging out with Nalem and Spanio and going to AX 2008 with a few other NG people.

And to finish it off, since I know there are some of you who think I'm a twat, here's a product placementy video sorta proving you right.

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'How to be a CELEBRITY' - New Wonchop/Weebl animation

Posted by Wonchop - June 13th, 2008

Lo, folks. Sorry for the inactivity flashwise. I have been working on a fair few things, but sadly it's stuff I probably shouldn't really talk about and/or can't be put on NG. Sorry, but dem's the rules.
What I can show ya is a 3D 'Domino Effect' animation I made for uni. It's my first time using 3DS Max, which is much more complex than Carrara, so it's not gonna be as smooth looking as LL-Robots are Fun, but it's something at least. There's also a bit of flash thrown in there for good measure.

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In a few weeks I'll be heading to America again to attend AX2008, hanging out with a few NG and Sheezyart people, so if you spot me...

Bit of 3D + Other stuffs

Posted by Wonchop - April 30th, 2008

Heh, shame I already used my Frontpage post on that stop-motion thing I made (which noone commented about >=(, although you're forgiven if you were distracted by the mighty Space Channel Robotnik.)

So I released my Pico Day submission, Nene's Sorrow to the portal. As far as the general look-like-its-gonna-be-serious-but-tur ns-into-something-random-10-seconds-in to-it flashes go, I'm rather pleased with this one, as I at least tried to push myself with the random elements. I also poke fun of this habit at the end. So do give it a watch.


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