I <3 the CockJokes.
Monkeys with goggles, baby.
Age 38, Male
Flash Animator
Joined on 1/13/04
I <3 the CockJokes.
...Salad Fingers?
I wasn't exactly sure what kind of fingers I was thinking when I drew this. I think they're sausage fingers or something.
Who doesn't?
Ah, it was a screenshot from the video. Weh.
by marrying the internet you have married me, and like a billion other guys.
You sir scare me with your desire to spend time with every guy on the internets, because as we know, there are no girls on the internets.
How can you be sure there are any guys on the internet either? For all we know the entire internet could be inhabited by androgynous hermaphrodites.
Or plants. They don't have a gender either.
Fat Skeleton Bone Sausage Salad Fingers.
I wonder what salad has anything to do with him.
Looks neato!
was that an Ebaum kameo? I wonder if im the only one that noticed
Nope. Just uninspired character design. Lol =(
How hot is this public relations lady at E4 then?
Only moderately?
Weebl does all the arrangements, so I wouldn't know.
Dick fingers.
omg omg omg wtf roflez!!!!!!11234
kaneda x is unable to write a comment that doesnt include cock in it
Man, I looooove watchifying vidjas that haff 2 dew wit Rikroalin' and Tai Zawndai. hehe, I tryed mah besst ass I cud too scroo up tehese werds.
P.S. I love that flash u did with AK Donovan, Totally radical dewd.
P.S.S. I lul'd at ur responses to the salad finger comments
P.S.S.S. Ur right, I might be a plant, or an androgynous hermaphrodite.
P.S.S.S.S. This comment is too long...
P.S.S.S.S.S. .............
You're supposed to add extra Ps, not Ss
well the internet does love you, because of the porn
"Dear Weebl
I will not be
animating this filth,
good day to you"
I lol'd
What S-K said, that part cracked me up.
British people have all the best words....but Americans do have cockamamee, poppycock, dude, and hornswaggler.
Since when was poppycock American?
Heh ^^;