Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
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7.73 votes
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Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - August 29th, 2020

Long time no see, NG! Haven't ventured outside of the house much since the y'know-wut happened, but I've still been comfortably at the animation game.

As is such the case, I haven't had too much time to make personal stuff, because I've been making lots of stuff for other people. Most prominently of which is the latest episode of Crash Zoom: Out of Time for TomSka!

I've also been taking part in a few collabs, including a couple of reanimated projects and something involving my old crew, The Lock Legion. You can check out other stuff I've been doing collab and commission-wise through this playlist.

Speaking of Tom, we've finally released our flipping official asdfmovie card game, Muffin Time, with approx 200 cards (inc. boosters and Kickstarter bonuses) drawn by yours truly! While I obviously haven't had much opportunity to try the game out for myself since getting my copy, those who are able to sensibly have groups should find it a good ol' time.

In other news, I've recently made a habit of streaming on Twitch, with my main squeeze being my body's love/hate relationship with Ring Fit Adventure, though I do dabble in other stuff like Yakuza 0 and even the occassional drawy stream. Do follow me @WonchopAnimation on Twitch to find out when I'm streaming next!

If you wanna keep up to date with my happenings, I'm mostly active on @Wonchopmonkeyma on Twitter, where I post occassional doodles. Until I next see you, take care of yourselves and keep those goggles tight.



Posted by Wonchop - October 15th, 2014

Couple new things I've made. First a quick Smash Bros thingy.

And here's a new asdfmovie I made



Posted by Wonchop - January 24th, 2014

Oh, hey, just put out a smexy new animation about one of my fave Mega Drive games. It's the first animation I made from this Cintiq 13HD I bought earlier this week.

Watch it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/632603

Watch it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBRNayojrY

Share it on Tumblr: http://wonchop.net/post/74333079584/to-break-in-that-new-cintiq-i-got-heres-a-new

See? I sometimes animate my own things too.


Posted by Wonchop - January 17th, 2014

Just animated this new video for TomSka, in which people do something that rhymes with shop.


Also, in relation to TomSka and the typical Newgrounds audience, I also contributed some simple animations to this talk about SEX, which has been surprisingly well received. Drawing dicks and vaginas in the name of education.


Posted by Wonchop - November 29th, 2013

Long time no see, folks.

So yeah, been mainly doing commissions a lot lately. Two being a couple of Crotchhead cartoons for ADA Sport; Slow Murder and Google Glass Review, and a few things for TomSka, asdfmovie7 and asdfmovie: deleted scenes.

Speaking of which, I did another toon based on the latter two.

Now in terms of shameful self-promotion, my network, Channel Flip, have together these rather nifty Xmas Baubles, which you can get for a measly £6.95 (+free shipping within the UK). Here's a thingy I made to plug them.

And finally, for those who like to use Facebook, I finally set up a Facebook page so please Like and Share.

Once again, apologies for the animation draft round here.

Posted by Wonchop - April 17th, 2013

Sup guys. Haven't given NG much love lately, so here's a new Tidbits compilation of stuff I've been putting on YouTube. Hopefully there'll be more animations on the event my brain decides to start working.

That is all.

Posted by Wonchop - February 9th, 2013

There's a new asdfmovie out, written by TomSka and animated by myself. It is quite sexy.

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Posted by Wonchop - January 21st, 2013

Another year, another Newgrounds meetup, once again in the belly of London after an Olympics-related absence last year (although I kinda cheated by visiting Namco Station during a YouTube meet that Summer). Snow be damned, here's how it went.

Day 1 - Friday
There was pretty much snow all over the place, but having already booked my accomodation after countless anxiety waiting to get paid for my commission (see previous post), I decided to go for it. The main event wasn't planned to kick off til the evening, but I figured better safe than sorry on account of the snow. Amazingly enough, the trains were actually running on time, which was nice. I do notice silly mistake number one, forgetting to pack my camera battery charger, as it was already down to half battery when I got round to checking it. Thus, instead of having some fancy vlog detailing the weekend's events, this is the only video I ended up taking. I do manage to take a smexy selfcam of myself (see bottom of post).

/* */
After having some Burger King, I find the trains from Birmingham to London were working okay as well, only suffering from a slight pause near the end of the journey. After checking into my Travelodge and, after double checking there wasn't anything going on prior to the official meetup, proceeded to spend the afternoon playing Theatrhythm on my 3DS and watching Come Dine With Me. As you do.

After grabbing a dubious combo of sushi and chicken curry that I was uncertain whether I'd regret or not, I made my way over to the White Swan & Cuckoo, arriving a bit early alongside Bahamut before waiting for Luis and the others to arrive. Twas a bit of a modest crowd on account of the snow, but the usuals activities were had. I 'won' a game of pool (sort of) and ripped out a lovely rendition of "I Believe I Can Fly" (blame the Game Grumps). Did find it a little hard to get into any conversation so I more or less spent the rest of the evening taking pictures with my camera (til it ran out of battery and I had to move over to my phone, ugh) and making snowballs out of the lovely snow in the garden area and punching them purely cos they look nifty. We ended up clearing out an hour earlier than usual for some reason (which was later revealed to be someone allegedly pooping everywhere), but it gave everyone a chance to catch the tubes rather than hassle with taxis in the snow. Day one, over.

Day 2 - Saturday
A bit less snow than the previous day, so after some morning cookery programmes and a Starbucks breakfast (why did noone tell me they had such yummy hot chocolate), I headed to the London Eye to meet up with Zictor and StupidHumorKing. After a McDonald's lunch in the company of some evil looking pidgeons, we popped into Namco Station for a bit to blow some money on some games. I managed to win a cuddly Luigi in a crane game, which was nice. After that, people soon started to assemble for the main meet, and thus the drinking and conversationing began. Got to chat with some of the more familiar faces such as Eddache and Tom, as well as have some productive chats with other people. Particularly girls. Always good. Also managed to learn how to free up memory on my phone, which has been plaguing me with a 'low space' message all month. We enjoyed hanging around Namco so well that we pretty much screwed the plans to move on to the other place we had planned, so I ordered some ribs and they were goood. Also people bought me lots of Smirnoff Ice. Also good.

After eventually deciding to leave Namco, we all walked a helluva lot as we followed Tom to another pub (the first of which turned out to be closed), where more conversation was had. Due to how much we were walking, I jokingly brought up the idea of a Newgrounds Fun Run, though some people seem to think it might be a good idea. We eventually ended up at another pub, where we mostly just chatted away until everyone eventually started dispersing. As the pub closed, I eventually parted from the rest as we headed on our tubes back to our lodgings, where I proceeded to watch the latter half of Saving Private Ryan for some reason.

Aftermath - Sunday
After packing up my stuff and having yet another hot chocolate, I pop by Soho to say hello to my brother who works in a chocolate shop, where I was given another hot chocolate. Decided to go to Ed's Diner for lunch where, silly mistake number 2, I foolishly thought I could handle a slick dog, cheesy fries and a coke so soon after having two thick hot chocolates. I eventually make my way back home, again, no issues with the trains. Upon changing at Birmingham and hopping on the train back home, I finally notice silly mistake number 3: leaving the suitcase containing my clothes (including three Newgrounds t-shirts) on the other train. No valuables were lost, but I'm gonna miss them shirts, even if that UK one was getting small on me.

So yeah, aside from that last minute dumbness on my part, twas another good meet. Wasn't any Jungle Speed or anything, though it wouldn't seem right without Bez anyway. Whether Luis decides to put on another one anytime soon is anyone's guess, but let's face it, he is to UK meets what Hideo Kojima is to Metal Gear Solid. He'll say he'll quit it, but he'll always come back.


In other news, I animated this dumb thing based on a Sonic Adventure audio splice mrSimon made.

He also made this soon afterwards.

Oh, and I'm currently animating asdfmovie6 right now. Fun times.

Til next time.

Posted by Wonchop - January 11th, 2013

A pleasant 2013 to you all. Can't be any worse than 2012, can it?

Anyhoo, I thought I'd inform you of a couple of new vids that just came out.

First, we have this animation I did for Weebl's new HuHa channel on YouTube, featuring CERN scientists who hate each other's guts.

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And then we have this dumb live action skit I made using the camera stand and green screen I got for Christmas.

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So yeah. Stuff to come. London Meet next week. Will probably be there. Laters.

New vids: Higgs+Boson, Made of Money

Posted by Wonchop - December 29th, 2012

Belated Chrimbles, advanced New Year's greetings and what not to you all. Christmas was pretty decent, as I got some neat stuff like a camera stand and a green screen (time to go to space). I'm sure you've had your fair share of Christmassy toons all over the place. And I'd wager a few bob they were a lot like this.

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January 2013 should provide some interesting stuff. Hopefully this week I should have a toon done for this HuHa! thing, and a new installment of asdfmovie to follow soon afterwards. There's also other potential stuff, but I'll keep schtum on that. With any luck (ie. if I manage to get paid and can find someone to bunk with), I'll be attending the good ol' NG London Meet around mid-Jan.

Til next time.