Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
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7.73 votes
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Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - April 27th, 2008

K, well for university, a group of us had to make a stop motion. It could've been about anything, but everyone had to be boring and make something about Dracula. Oh wells.
I animated parts 0:43-0:55 and 1:42-1:48, the crappy flash bits (used so we didn't have to figure out how to stop motion someone running down a hill) and some assorted product placement on Drac's shelf. :P

/* */
Also I made something Youtube poopy involving Robotnik and Space Channel 5, based on a NicoNicoDouga Space Channel 5 thingy with Kaiba in it.

/* */
Speaking of Robotnik, Sonic Shorts Volume 2 was released earlier this week, although given the fact it hasn't even been given a spot of frontpage, you probably wouldn't have cared. And although I'm relatively proud of my piece, a lot of people who aren't Youtube Poop fans aren't going to get it (the idea is that both the voice of Robotnik from AoStH and the song 'Let the Heartaches Begin' are done by the late Long John Baldry. And Bison + Diploma Dope = lulz.)

K well that qualifies for my video embed whoring post. Kbai.

ps. Soul Eater and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are swell.

Posted by Wonchop - March 12th, 2008

New Weebl Toon, Melons, is in the portal.
Just a warning it might be a wee bit offsync on some computers. I'm not sure whether it's cos of the graphic intensity or something Weebl did in the loopifying process.
Update: K fixed it

Also apparently there's a Wiiware game in development based around popping bubble wrap.
God bless Japan.

Everyone cheer! Melons are here!

Posted by Wonchop - February 27th, 2008

Good news, folks (or utter devastating news for my haters.) I've just been hired as a new animator for Weebl's Stuff!
How the crap, you ask? Well, as I was randomly popping by his site, I noticed he was looking for new animators. Quick zoom to the email, and an enduring trial by flash later, I'm in! :3
The trial flash I made, Late Night Shopping 2, is up on the site and should be on Newgrounds in about a week.
So yeah, be sure to check out Weebl's Stuff in the future for some stuff by me! :3

Also, TheWax just released Sonic Shorts Volume 1 which I've made 2 shorts for, with a 3rd one coming in a later volume.

Weebls Stuff and Sonic Shorts

Posted by Wonchop - January 6th, 2008

If you had just watched Movin and are wondering, 'Who the feck are these people?', I thought I'd provide a quick description of each of them.

Alec Littleman
The kid in suspiciously Wonchop-esque goggles
You might have seen him in: Blamformers
So basically, he's your hero, who can turn into Wonchop. Haven't been able to explain how he gets these powers (my current story is that he got them whilst investigating a secret lab found underneath a mall men's room XD), but there you go. He keeps the goggles on him almost all the time (lolbackstory), and he has a need to protect people if he's able to.

That monkey dude
You might have seen him in: Lots of things
The superhero. As Wonchop, he's got a bit more agility and strength, as monkeys tend to have (that's what Dad told me anyway.) He also has a glove that he uses to transform, and also can be enhanced with special chips that give them different properties. Think Megaman Battle Network mixed with Rayman 3.

Ruth Helix
Blonde girl
You might have seen her in: IT Geeks series
Anyone who's watched one of my IT Geeks cartoons (which I should really make more of) should know about Ruth. Her personality is generally like that, except for the fact she's also a secret agent for an underground organization. She specialises in melee combat with a bo staff (a big stick to those who don't watch TMNT) and also rides a motorbike. Her mother, Maggie, (also an agent) was killed in front of her eyes when she was young and she's determined to live up to her name. Though she is generally not too chuffed about working with Wonchop.

Wez (yet to come up with a decent surname)
Big geek
You might have seen him in: IT Geeks series
A total geek and Alec's best friend, he is a general whizz with computery stuff, and is the first to learn of Alec's secret. He's also, much like in the early IT Geeks movies, a big scaredy cat, but he usually pulls through. He also develops new features for Wonchop's glove.

Elly Gale
Green haired girl
You might have seen her in: Humbuggered, Love and Crappiness, Hypocrite, Blamformers
A shy girl who for some reason has wind powers. Her parents died in a car crash when she was young and she's been an orphan since. When she obtained her powers, she was bullied into a crime group known as the Elly-mentals, since all the members were named Elly and had similar powers. After meeting with Alec and Wonchop, she gains the courage to stand up to them, and since then she's been a friend and occassional Ally.

Amora Lynae(for those who frequent DA/Sheezyart, I added an A cos it sounds better)
Who?: The purple haired woman with the eyepatch.
You might have seen her in: This is her first flash appearance.
Head of aforementioned secret organization and on another note Ruth's 'aunt' (whether it's biological or not, I haven't decided yet). A woman who worked with Ruth's mother as an agent, up until a mission in which she lost her eye (no spoilers for you). After that, Maggie quit the organization for numerous reasons, and Amora became Captain. After Maggie's murder, Amora took it upon herself to look after Ruth and maintain the organization. And erm... she likes coffee. As secret organization people do.

The other characters probably won't be in this series, but just so you're up to speed.

As seen in:
Bunnycat 1+2
Cheerful child of a bunny and a cat. Mostly.

As seen in:
IT Geeks
A penguin with super powers.

TopHatWearingZombieMarshmallowWeeblThi ngWithABanjoForAnArm
As seen in:
IT Geeks series
See name.

As seen in:
Demise of a Match
Hey, kids love Matchy.

Fred the Filler Bear
As seen in:
Guinness Bueno
He dances for you whilst nothing really happens.

K then.

Who's Who?

Posted by Wonchop - January 5th, 2008

Go see

Oh, and you should probably watch the original first before watching it so you can understand it better.

Posted by Wonchop - November 16th, 2007

Well, I'm quite pleased with the response I've been getting on Tidbits. Daily 2nd, Frontpage and a healthy vote and review score. I'm glad you guys are enjoying it.
As you've noticed I haven't really been much into making many long flashes as of late, so I threw this compilation out of the short stuff that I had only stuck on Sheezyart and Deviantart beforehand (plus a couple I just added on the day of release.)
I think judging from your reviews, you've been liking the Volvic parody the most. That one and the Robotnik one are my personal favourites.
So yeah, if I find the time, I might go about making a second Tidbits with some fresh material. Of course, thinking about it, I should really come up with a christmas idea in advance so that I don't come up with something at the last minute and piss you all off. ^^;
In other news, I want my Super Mario Galaxy NOW! >=U


Tidbits - I am pleased

Posted by Wonchop - November 8th, 2007

Free of this outcast you call 'tweening'
Click here to watch 'The Big Guy' on Youtube
If I find time later on, I'll make it all neat and shiny for an NG release.
ps. Apologies for the lame sound choices, the speakers on the macs at uni were crap.

Posted by Wonchop - September 22nd, 2007

Vote 5 please
It's another shorty, but I did put a fair bit of effort into the long hours where I wasn't simply watching Bleach.
In other news, I've started a BA Hons in Visual Communication, so hopefully I'll get to try all sorts of animation stuff.
And Shoot Em Up is the best fucking movie ever.

Posted by Wonchop - September 7th, 2007

Been wanting to animate to this song for a while: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Posted by Wonchop - September 1st, 2007

For those curious as to what was in Wonchop Demo Reel 07, here's the list, in order of appearance:

A cancelled Cap'n Zappy game that me and KaynSlamDyke were gonna make last Christmas
LL - PeachLock vs SBC
Mar Abuses Small Children - A short animation test mixing minor fbf with tweens to simple but effective effect.
Violent Pornography Collab
Attack of the Obsessive Fanboy
An unreleased Christmas Collab
An unreleased collab about cult games (this is also where the gamey type parts from Bogswallop's and Dull-Bulb's Flash Collections come from)
The unreleased Sonic Tribute Collab 2, which I dropped out of when it became apparent the collab leader was an annoying git. (although it's actually more complete in the showreel since Tails' part is coloured in)
LL - Rewrite
Unreleased Collab set to the song 'Dreaming of You' by The Coral
Demise of a Match
Mario's 20th Anniversary
Akira the Don - Hypocrite
IT Geeks: East 2 Sundaes
A Teagirl animation test which was later incorporated into Curly Sam Pwnz All 2
It Geeks: Got Wii? (to this day, I constantly regret using that lameass punchline)
Pico vs Pico
Bad Guy Falls In Poop
Local Workings
Alternate introduction for Curly Sam Pwnz All 2, until I got lazy, let it lay dormant for almost a year and then cop out with the April Fools opening.
Four Second Firestorm
IT Geeks: Guiness Bueno
Bunnycat 2
LL - Robots Be Fun
LL - Save Tonight
Stirred Not Shaken: TWINE
19-2000 Collab
Wonchop's Halloween 05

So yeah, a lot of stuff, and yet there's a few things I prolly should've squeezed in, such as my Blamformers part or my Bytesize submission. Oh well.

In other stuff, I made this the other day. Bwahaha.