Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

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Weebl's Stuff Hiring, Castle Crashers, London Meet

Posted by Wonchop - August 29th, 2008

Castle Crashers
Downloaded due to NG pride, and it's a great title. So stop moaning that it's 1200 points (it's longer than Braid anyway), be patient while they fix the online mode and for god's sake stop asking for a PS3 version. Unless you want to hire The Behemoth a porting team yourself, it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
And while they're fixing the online, you can add my Gamertag: Wonchopmonkeyma (Wonchop was taken, and I didn't notice the 15 letter limit and there's no way I'm paying 800 points for a name change)

Weebl's Stuff's Hiring
Due to work overload, Weebl is once again on the hunt for animators. If you're good with flash and don't mind working with other people's drawings, please contact Weebl via this page, preferably providing links to any work you've done.
Edit: No more entries plz. Weebl's picked someone who will be revealed on the site in a few days, potentially spewing forth masses of irony.

NG London Meet
Gonna go to the Newgrounds meet up in London tomorrow, meeting people like Luis, Super Flash Bros, Sqeezy, Kaynslamdyke and other random people. Should be interesting.


Ugh I really wish people would shut up about the "porting to <console/PC>" .. it really is annoying. And it's not exactly a point and click type thing that everbody believes it to be :/

yeah castle crashers is awesome but i am still waiting for online to be fixed

and hmmmmmmm i might have a look into that

and i was goin but me and dimond armada couldent get the money but we are sure goin to go next yeat and say to hans "my shades beat you shades"

thank you

What kind of work are we talking about here?

As far as I'm aware, it's mostly tween work on existing series, but there's always the opportunity to contribute something fresh to the mix at some point.

Seems simple enough. I'll apply, though I doubt I'll get in.

oh is the online mode of CC broken? That's bullshit, I thought they were actually doing some testing during those months of waiting

oh well it ought to be fixed by the time i get mine

I guess they weren't ready for a rush of billions of people wanting to play online.

do u know if their is an age requirement

I asked about it, but I don't think I got a clear response on that one. Only that you don't have to be British.

There's a online version on Newgrounds? OMG WHERE WHERE

-feed the trolls-

No, the game has an online mode (which is currently experiencing problems.) There's no flash version of Castle Crashers, save for Bomtoons' Castle Crashing the Beard

if only i culd meet other animatores:_:

who farted

Weebl is hiring castle crashers in London? But thats crazy talk!

It's still a pain in the arse that Microsoft (one of, if not the biggest corporation on Earth), still charges for arcade games. I might just download the trial version. Oh and I'll add your gamertag, mines my NG username.

dont forget almighty hans and Oney

il see you tomorrow ;D

I keep trying his contact link but it just keeps opening my MS outlook. Which is broken.

Can you post his email?


man...i wish there was a ps2 version. LOL

What are the requirements for the work? Do you need to be a citizen in the UK? Do you have to work over the internet? What about deadlines?

Seems a bit vague, but maybe I'll consider it since I've already got stuff together from applying for other work.

It's over the net, so I don't think you need to be a citizen of the UK, but you'll probably have to consider the time difference in chat sessions. As for deadlines, and other details, you'll probably have to ask him yourself.

Weebl hiring again? Dayum I need to get working again so I'll be hire able material next time around x.x

also enjoy castles crashers everyone D: *only has wii*

How busy is Weebl? Does he do voice acting for other people?

Rather busy. I don't believe I've seen him in anything else and I don't have the heart to ask him myself.

Castle Crashers is good.
I downloaded it on my Wii.

heh. monkeyma. sorry about that.

I should be adding you, I'm going to purchase the game tomorrow.

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