Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - September 19th, 2011

First things first, asdfmovie 4 is now in the Portal, so you can finally watch it without that weird grey Youtube seems to throw in there.

Been working on a few projects. One of them is a lil helping out on this upcoming iOS game called Nom Nom Monkey, in which I helped animate a walk cycle. I also animated a trailer for them which should hopefully show up soon at some point. I'm currently working on something in a similar matter, but I think there's probably a NDA on that so I'll keep shtum about what it is for now.

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This Saturday I'll probably be popping into the Eurogamer Expo in the afternoon, where I'll most likely be hanging out with Eddache. Then come October I'll be attending the London MCM Expo, where I'll probably be hanging around TomSka and the like (maybe Eddsworld if he's up for it).

And come January, it'll be the motherfucking Newgrounds Manchester Meetup (currently planned to be the only main UK meetup next year due to the Olympics). Booze and vidyagames in the company of sexy Luis, what more could you want?

Well, that's all I got for the moment. Laterz.

Asdfs, Expos, and Monkeys

Posted by Wonchop - September 2nd, 2011

Morning, folks! Just here to say that the ever-so-sexy TomSka commissioned me to animate the newest addition to the asdfmovie saga, and it has just been released!! There's even an official German dub! Go check that sheet out! It'll hopefully show up on NG in a week's time.

/* */

asdfmovie4 is out

Posted by Wonchop - August 9th, 2011

Hello thar, Newgrounders. Last week was the Newgrounds London Meet. Here's how things went down.

Day 1
It was to my delight that there was a Japanese takeaway thingy in Birmingham's Bullring so I could have some yummy eel on rice for my lunch before getting on my train to London. Once there, I made my way to the London Eye where I met up with the lovely Thea and her boyfriend. After dropping my crap off at the hotel, we walked around aimlessly for a good while trying to find something they wanted to do. Apparently Canadian's aren't very decisive. We ended up doodling for a little while on the grass, before dragging her over to Namco Station, on the off-chance that we wouldn't go there the next day. Despite the lure of various arcade funneries, they seemed to be most interested in those 10p droppy thingies, but I eventually dragged Thea onto the dodgems where we delightfully bashed into several people, even seeing one girl nearly whacking her head on the floor when we rammed her in the side. Afterwards we looked for something to have for dinner, hoping to give them a taste of England but somehow ending up with...hot dogs.

After that, we made our way over to the White Swan and Cuckoo in Wapping where the Meetup was officially starting. Oh the amusement on people's faces when I approached the pub wearing my sexy Luis goggles, the bemusement on Luis' face when he saw me wearing them, and the raised eyebrow on my face when I notice there were no leather sofas anymore. The night involved a bit of karaoke, a bit of pool, and the Newgrounds debut of Raving Rabbids Jungle Speed (which I purchased from France.) After a night of fun, the next day awaiteth.

Day 2
Spent the morning potting around the Waterloo/Embankment area, playing a lil spot of crazy golf and popping into Yo! Sushi for lunch. At 1-o-clock, all the NGers started to gather round the London Eye. Several returnees appeared including Eddsworld, TomSka, Eddache and more. With rain starting to poke its head, as if God himself thought that moving the meet to Hyde Park was a shit idea, we headed for Namco Station and made ourself comfortable in the basement area. There was much boozing and conversation to have, some bowling with me, Thea, Eddache and his wife Alison and even a little impressions fun.

/* */
Was admittedly a bit tense when Weebl showed up from the blue, having not seen him since he sacked me, but it eased up along the way. After saying goodbye to Thea, who had to go see a musical, we returned to the White Swan, where an entertaining pool match of fail starring Eddache and Alison against Weebl and Zictor (Weebl lost and Tom made sure to point it out). Also had some takeaway from Pizza Express which was yummies. As the night died down and all the popular kids buggered off, I returned to my Travelodge where I watched the endings to Goldeneye and Watchmen.

Day 3
Not really part of the NG Meet anymore since everyone had pretty much gone home at this point, but I had a little potter around the Leicester Square area. I ended up buying some weird Fanta Slime stuff, had a look in M&m's World (my mood colour is MegaMix, hell yeah) and had some duck and dumplings for lunch before going to see Arrietty in glorious British dub. With that, I bid London adieu.

And not a moment sooner apparently, given all those riot reports we've been getting this week. Embarrassingly I was mostly oblivious until someone explained to me why my internet suddenly slowed down to a crawl. I just never found news interesting, okay? Anyhoo, photos from the meetup can be found here.

So in terms of flash stuff, I am currently working with Tomska animating the next asdfmovie installment. Based on the skits I've done so far, this has been one of the most fun things to animate in recent history and is something to look forward to.

Also of interest is this recently surfaced ad thingy me and Akira the Don made. He did the drawings and narration whilst I did animation and backgrounds.

/* */
Be sure to follow me on my new Youtube channel, http://youtube.com/WonchopAnimation

Til next time.

Newgrounds London Meet VIII Wrapup

Posted by Wonchop - August 2nd, 2011

First thing's first, I decided to upload the Mischievious Monkey Magic animation I made last year to the portal. Would've submitted it sooner, but was a lil confused since I stupidly animated in 1080p, later remembering I could shrink that shit for NG.

Annoyingly, Youtube decided to give me the third strike on my Youtube account for some copyright complaint (more like copyright whining amirite?). After a day of moping like the hopeless soul that I am, I've decided to make a new channel titled WonchopAnimation, which will be more focused on animation than the previous one. Silly little things like Youtube poops and tiddly flashes with no audital contribution whatsoever will go on my alt account. Be sure to subscribe to both!

This weekend is the Newgrounds London Meet, which is sure to be filled with conversation, booze, karaoke, Jungle Speed, sexy Luis and inevitably molestation. Whether they'll be dodgems only fate (ie, the British weather) will decide. Will report on it on my next FP privelege. Til then, folks.

New Youtube channel, Oldish flash in Portal

Posted by Wonchop - July 21st, 2011

In a shock twist, I've actually managed to make something to submit to Newgrounds this year! Warning, may contain dangerous amounts of Luis.
Vote a number that is preferably higher than four

And in other stuff:
*Went to France. No Wifi but lovely beaches. Bought some Rabbids-themed Jungle Speed.
*Made this incredibly gay Q+A video in which I say 'sorta like' a lot.

/* */
*London Meet on August 5-6! Sexy times will be had.

Catch ya later

Good friggin' lord, I actually submitted something!

Posted by Wonchop - June 23rd, 2011

Been lazy in keeping NG informed so here's the list up mofos.

*Turned 25 in May. It was pretty uneventful.

*Went to the MCM Expo in London last May, where I mostly hung around Eddsworld and co., but also attended a Futurama panel, bought a bunch of shit (including some tasty markers which I've been doodling a lot with lately), and got to see a guy streaking past a muslim wedding. It was glorious.

*Hung out with Bezman in Birmingham for the day, where we had some Japanese, drank a few boozies and played Jungle Speed with some Danish chicks. Can't say fairer than that.

*Bought myself an Intuos 4 tablet, giving my drawing in flash a notable percentage in less suck.

*Also got me a Nintendo 3DS. I plan to make Zelda OOT my bitch this time.

*In the spirit of Sonic's 20th Anniversary, here's an unfunny videogame parody, just the way you like them.

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*I was supposed to be making a music video for Akira the Don, but time and money issues got in the way. He has however posted up a section of animatic I did and some early concept doodles which I personally think suck.

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*Been doing lots of drawings and adding them to my Tumblr page. You should totally be following that.

*Going to France with my family from tomorrow. If I have enough time once I get back, I may attempt something for Robot Day. Maybe.

Later peeps.

Posted by Wonchop - April 19th, 2011

Lo, folks. How's the happenings.
Still more or less low on the flash radar as I've been doing a couple more commissions for the Character Shop to get my moolah up to a safe level. Might consider entering TOFA for a change of pace. Something to get my flash skills itching.

In the meantime, I've released a new showreel. It won't be stuck in the portal cos you've made it clear you're sick of those.

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I've also just now set up a Tumblr account, if just to follow what all the cool kids or doing or finding stuff to do with my new Android phone. You can check it out here: http://wonchopanimation.tumblr.com (once again, some twat nabbed the 'wonchop' name with no intention to actually use it.)

In other silly video related, we have my take on all those 'unboxing' videos you see on Youtubes...

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Aaaand there's also this random mashup I did of Sexual-Lobster's uberly sexy Manwhore animations. Because clearly one Fernando gently molesting your eardrums is not enough.

/* */

Posted by Wonchop - January 17th, 2011

So yes, it's been a pretty fun weekend, so let's get started.

The start of the day was a pain in the arse. I had just missed the earlier train, and the next one faced a delay near the end, putting me at risk of missing the time for the Megabus (not helped by the silly Google Maps directions that sent me to a dead end), ruining my plans of getting Ghost Trick to play on it. Then when I got there, the bus to Manchester was over an hour late. I did manage to strike up conversation with a pretty, albeit taken, girl who will be known as Mystery Bus Girl (no relation to Amber Lamps), which eased the 2 hour journey. After arriving in Manchester, it once again became apparent that I have no fucking idea where to go and stumble around a good while before I found my Premiere Inn (which annoyingly was the furthest room away no matter which direction you went), only to then find everyone else was hanging at a different Premiere Inn, so I had to faff about trying to find that too.
Eventually I met up with the others and we went to a Karaoke place, where I sang JT's Rock your Body and Robbie's Rock DJ, whilst boozing, annoying Keith and bemoaning the total sausage face the place is. Was particularly freaked by the random creepy black dude trying to talk to me whilst I was trying to take a piss. Oh, and here's Luis singing some David Bowie with Jawdyn I think.

/* */
We eventually finished our stuff there and returned to the Premier Inn where I was letting Bezman and LazyPint bunk, with Ragnarokia also hanging out with us, where we played Uno and Jungle Speed. Much amusement was to be had as LazyPint, who had to be thrown out of the karaoke place after throwing up, pretty just much slept in a mannequinish pose. There was a pretty proud moment when I spotted he was about to throw up and got a bin over to Bezman to place under him in time (where it pretty much remained for the rest of the night.)

After eventually getting up and watching a bit of some lame Robocop sequel, we headed towards the big Not-London-Eye wheel, briefly getting lost whilst visiting a GAME to get Ghost Trick (fucking awesome game btw) and a Ditsch Pizza. Eventually people began showing up such as mrSimon, The EXP and wife and more. Everyone sucked at doing one word stories, which were much better when me and Bez were doing them alone.

/* */
With LilJim's plans to get us some minibuses fucked, those with bookings at the Chill Factore took a cab over there, where me, Bez and Jawdyn went on the luge. They have their own opinions but I enjoyed it, reminded me of the good ol' water slide at the leisure centre but with more risk of death. And yes, I totally wore the goggles (pic related). Afterwards, we cabbed it over to a place called the Kyoto Lounge, which combines video gaming with copious amount of booze and some fruit flavoured bong thing (I'm told it's called a sheesha?). Despite having to wait a good half hour for some frikking nachos, it was great fun, with me actually beating people in Street Fighter (with Dan no less), and mrSimon asking to buy me a drink every five minutes. I also got a Domino's pizza and saw one guy drop half of his on the floor.

/* */
After closing time, me, Bez, LazyPint and Ragnarokia returned to our abode where we spent the evening watching some gay chat thingy, grimacing at all the photos of middle aged crossdressers, before deciding to play a game of Strip Jungle Speed, which I was at a distinct disadvantage at since I was lightly dress whilst everyone else wore like four socks and counted hairbands as items of clothing. It was more or less the early morning when we were finished so I just decided to stay awake and play Ghost Trick. Sunday was more or less checking out, hitting the food mall and *sigh* the Disney store, before I split to read a quick manga before heading home on the Megabus (this time it was on time).

So what am I doing now that I'm back to godawful reality. Well, I'll be making a start on that Akira the Don video, which will surely be tricking considering how long it's been since I've done a 3min+ video. Not to mention the pressure from him bigging it up on Twitter every 5 mins. Ugh...expectations.

That and motherfucking tax returns. Why is it the moment I get sacked, everyone wants to take my money?

Anyhoo, laterz.

NG Manchester Meet 2011 Roundup

Posted by Wonchop - December 31st, 2010

So yup, here's my roundup of the year.

My Xmas Haul:
Bluray Player
Toy Story 3 and Scott Pilgrim on BluRay
A Town Called Panic
A couple of t-shirts
Various Smellies, one of which came with a wallet
A dynamic torch shaped like a Lego Man
Obligatory £10 from Nanny

2010 in a word: Expensive

2010 in slightly more words: Everything up til Autumn was ace. Then came the suck.

Last year's goals:
-Learn to drive - FAIL
-Visit Japan, maybe around Tokyo Game Show time - FAIL. I had exhausted my cash with two trips to America in one year beforehand.
-Get to the end of my uni course with something to take from it - Well I passed it. Now if only I knew how to get a job with it.
-Get something on a (good) TV show - Well there was that thing I did for CITV. I guess that's better than Kevin Bishop?
-Do something with my Wonchop series - LOL FAIL. 2010 was pretty short on general animations as well.

Good Stuff:
-Newgrounds Meets - Flew over to Philadelphia for Pico Day and went to the Baltimore Meetup. I recall being a total pervert over the webcam. And then of course there was the London meet, complete with karaoke, dodgems and an appearance by Mr. The Don.
-UK Webcomix Thing - Sucks that it's apparently the last one they're doing, but it was cooling hanging out with Eddache, Eddsworld and the Cakebomb crew, and well as sleeping over with the former.
-Getting Uni over and done with - Got my graduation coming up in February. Hope I don't get stabbed by one of those hat corners.
-Comic Con 2010 - Hanging out with various NG Peeps, Dat Scott Pilgrim panel and screening, getting stuff signed, sweetness.
-Some appreciation of my work - Managed to get commissioned for a short animation on CITV and Tales of Beardyman got a runner up spot in an animation festival.
-Alcohol repetoire expanded - Cider is now added to my range, meaning more options should pubs be lacking in alcopops.

Lame stuff:
-Medical bullcrap - Couple of doctor related visits. One I'm keeping confidential, the other being having a tooth removed, which required a little visit to A&E when it wouldn't stop bleeding. Ew.
-Jobless again - Yeah, Weebl gave me the sack, which I partly blame on above medical bullcrap. And flash animation jobs (the one's that don't require Actionscript 3.0 knowledge) are in very short supply.
-General lack of ideas - Besides Date for One, Tales of Beardyman and a bunch of mini-toons relying on Youtube humour, not a lot out of me this year.
-That Autumn lethargicness - I'm not in uni anymore. What the heck do I do during the weekdays?
-Being skint - Seriously, right after I stopped working for Weebl, my parents mooch £1000 to pay off the mortgage. I'm pretty screwed until I can get it back. :/

Stuff of the Year:
-Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Toy Story 3
-Games: Bayonetta, Super Meat Boy, Pacman CEDX, Super Mario Galaxy 2
-TV: Harry Hill's TV Burp, Phineas and Ferb, WCG Ultimate Gamer
-Anime: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Heroman, So Ra No Wo To, Shinryaku! Ika Musume, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Awesome People:
Eddache, Alison, Eddsworld, Tom Fulp, Luis, TomSka, Happy Harry, Bezman, Akira the Don, The Character Shop, SheenaxZelos, Rubberninja, Princess Aurora, Egoraptor, Summer, mrSimon, TheEXP, various other Newgrounds/Deviantart/Youtube people I forget to mention.

Goals for next year:
-Get some kind of job and stick with it. Preferably an office based one that doesn't prey on my laziness.
-Learn to drive. Seriously this time.
-Get on this project I've been planning with Eddache. Screw the monkey.
-UPDATE THE BLOODY WEBSITE! (Seriously, I'm clueless on how to do this.)
-Be more active in my flash makings.

Quote of the year:
"I'm in lesbians with you."
Scott Pilgrim, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

I'll be seeing some of you peeps at the Manchester Meetup on January 15. Laterz.

Posted by Wonchop - December 21st, 2010

I blame Zeelot for this and so should you.

In actual news, me and Akira the Don, who last teamed up for the sexy music vid Hypocrite, will be producing another heavily underpaid music video in the form of Living in the Future 2 (sequel to the previous one animated by Zef), which should surface sometime in Early 2011. We've also just worked together on a lil ad thingy for some website. I'll let you know when that surfaces.

Come 2011, which I'm sure will be a depressing year of actually having to earn a living (oh god), I'll be attending the Newgrounds Manchester Meet, made so that people in London could bitch about how far away it is. Expect there to be lots of snowy fun, booze drinking and some motherfucking Jungle Speed action to take place.

Hope you guys enjoy your Christmas. If I'm not too lazy (let's face it I definitely will be), I may throw in a quick Xmas themed flash. Otherwise, I'll be back with my 2010 roundup post next week. Laterz.