I blame Zeelot for this and so should you.
In actual news, me and Akira the Don, who last teamed up for the sexy music vid Hypocrite, will be producing another heavily underpaid music video in the form of Living in the Future 2 (sequel to the previous one animated by Zef), which should surface sometime in Early 2011. We've also just worked together on a lil ad thingy for some website. I'll let you know when that surfaces.
Come 2011, which I'm sure will be a depressing year of actually having to earn a living (oh god), I'll be attending the Newgrounds Manchester Meet, made so that people in London could bitch about how far away it is. Expect there to be lots of snowy fun, booze drinking and some motherfucking Jungle Speed action to take place.
Hope you guys enjoy your Christmas. If I'm not too lazy (let's face it I definitely will be), I may throw in a quick Xmas themed flash. Otherwise, I'll be back with my 2010 roundup post next week. Laterz.