Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

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NG Manchester Meet 2011 Roundup

Posted by Wonchop - January 17th, 2011

So yes, it's been a pretty fun weekend, so let's get started.

The start of the day was a pain in the arse. I had just missed the earlier train, and the next one faced a delay near the end, putting me at risk of missing the time for the Megabus (not helped by the silly Google Maps directions that sent me to a dead end), ruining my plans of getting Ghost Trick to play on it. Then when I got there, the bus to Manchester was over an hour late. I did manage to strike up conversation with a pretty, albeit taken, girl who will be known as Mystery Bus Girl (no relation to Amber Lamps), which eased the 2 hour journey. After arriving in Manchester, it once again became apparent that I have no fucking idea where to go and stumble around a good while before I found my Premiere Inn (which annoyingly was the furthest room away no matter which direction you went), only to then find everyone else was hanging at a different Premiere Inn, so I had to faff about trying to find that too.
Eventually I met up with the others and we went to a Karaoke place, where I sang JT's Rock your Body and Robbie's Rock DJ, whilst boozing, annoying Keith and bemoaning the total sausage face the place is. Was particularly freaked by the random creepy black dude trying to talk to me whilst I was trying to take a piss. Oh, and here's Luis singing some David Bowie with Jawdyn I think.

/* */
We eventually finished our stuff there and returned to the Premier Inn where I was letting Bezman and LazyPint bunk, with Ragnarokia also hanging out with us, where we played Uno and Jungle Speed. Much amusement was to be had as LazyPint, who had to be thrown out of the karaoke place after throwing up, pretty just much slept in a mannequinish pose. There was a pretty proud moment when I spotted he was about to throw up and got a bin over to Bezman to place under him in time (where it pretty much remained for the rest of the night.)

After eventually getting up and watching a bit of some lame Robocop sequel, we headed towards the big Not-London-Eye wheel, briefly getting lost whilst visiting a GAME to get Ghost Trick (fucking awesome game btw) and a Ditsch Pizza. Eventually people began showing up such as mrSimon, The EXP and wife and more. Everyone sucked at doing one word stories, which were much better when me and Bez were doing them alone.

/* */
With LilJim's plans to get us some minibuses fucked, those with bookings at the Chill Factore took a cab over there, where me, Bez and Jawdyn went on the luge. They have their own opinions but I enjoyed it, reminded me of the good ol' water slide at the leisure centre but with more risk of death. And yes, I totally wore the goggles (pic related). Afterwards, we cabbed it over to a place called the Kyoto Lounge, which combines video gaming with copious amount of booze and some fruit flavoured bong thing (I'm told it's called a sheesha?). Despite having to wait a good half hour for some frikking nachos, it was great fun, with me actually beating people in Street Fighter (with Dan no less), and mrSimon asking to buy me a drink every five minutes. I also got a Domino's pizza and saw one guy drop half of his on the floor.

/* */
After closing time, me, Bez, LazyPint and Ragnarokia returned to our abode where we spent the evening watching some gay chat thingy, grimacing at all the photos of middle aged crossdressers, before deciding to play a game of Strip Jungle Speed, which I was at a distinct disadvantage at since I was lightly dress whilst everyone else wore like four socks and counted hairbands as items of clothing. It was more or less the early morning when we were finished so I just decided to stay awake and play Ghost Trick. Sunday was more or less checking out, hitting the food mall and *sigh* the Disney store, before I split to read a quick manga before heading home on the Megabus (this time it was on time).

So what am I doing now that I'm back to godawful reality. Well, I'll be making a start on that Akira the Don video, which will surely be tricking considering how long it's been since I've done a 3min+ video. Not to mention the pressure from him bigging it up on Twitter every 5 mins. Ugh...expectations.

That and motherfucking tax returns. Why is it the moment I get sacked, everyone wants to take my money?

Anyhoo, laterz.

NG Manchester Meet 2011 Roundup


My favourite moment of you at the meet was kissing Luis. I just love that picture with you, me, Luis, Oliver and citricsquid.

We need to get a frikking orgy going on.

I never got around to asking this at the meet:

How much can you actually see through those goggles? o_0

It depends. If it's something like a club night and they've been on my head for a while, they tend to get a bit steamed up and need a quick wipe.

I heard you got naked.

Well you can't really go in the shower with your undies on can you.

70 year old transvestite looking for 18 year old boy for fun


Oh, I didn't know you guys were having a one word story. D:

The meet was awesome, but I have to say that is the worst one word story I've ever seen.

I have a vid of you doing rock your body btw XD

Post it post it post it


I'm not a nerd. Nerds are smart.

Ghost Trick is a fucking awesome game? Well, that secures it as a buy for me.

something is missing...oh yes, Final Furlong

Yeah, there weren't really any arcade titles around during this trip, but then I guess that's where Kyoto Lounge came in.

went to manchester to see gorillaz last november

terrifying city

if you're in a one word story n the first 3 words are ONCE UPON A, the LAST thing you wanna say is TIME...

I wouldve said "penis".

The attempts I did with Bezman had plenty of penis.

Sounds like you had fun, wish I was there. :(

I saw you comment on kotaku!!
and and and remembered you were of my favorite flash artists when i was young and wanted to do flash!
its so exciting!