K, well for university, a group of us had to make a stop motion. It could've been about anything, but everyone had to be boring and make something about Dracula. Oh wells.
I animated parts 0:43-0:55 and 1:42-1:48, the crappy flash bits (used so we didn't have to figure out how to stop motion someone running down a hill) and some assorted product placement on Drac's shelf. :P
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Also I made something Youtube poopy involving Robotnik and Space Channel 5, based on a NicoNicoDouga Space Channel 5 thingy with Kaiba in it.
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Speaking of Robotnik, Sonic Shorts Volume 2 was released earlier this week, although given the fact it hasn't even been given a spot of frontpage, you probably wouldn't have cared. And although I'm relatively proud of my piece, a lot of people who aren't Youtube Poop fans aren't going to get it (the idea is that both the voice of Robotnik from AoStH and the song 'Let the Heartaches Begin' are done by the late Long John Baldry. And Bison + Diploma Dope = lulz.)
K well that qualifies for my video embed whoring post. Kbai.
ps. Soul Eater and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are swell.
omg its wonchop... *mind blown*