Merry new 'cade folks. Enjoying the tenties so far?
First off, here's a copy pasta of my 2009 summary journal from elsewhere.
Last year's goals
-Do something with the Wonchop series. Srsly. - Was hoping to do something for my uni project, but short schedules meant it wasn't to be.
-Learn some goddamn anatomy. Srsly. - Took a fair few life drawing classes. They haven't sunk in that well. =|
-Keep job. This one's gonna be hard. - It was indeed hard, but I managed to survive.
-Attend more meet ups. - Several. And that's just counting the London meetups.
-Get a girlfriend. - Alas, no. I'm hopeful for next year, since I'll probably have more time for socialising, but I won't make it a goal...
Good Stuff
-Became an uncle. Lil Scarlet is growing nicely.
-All the various meetups I went to. There's been like 3 London meetups, that Webcomic thing and Comic Con. You can add one more if you count me visiting Natsu as well.
-A few events, including aforementioned Comic Con, WebComix Thing, Akira the Don gig and Eurogamer Expo
-The phenomenal success of Narwhals. Almost 3 million views on Youtube alone? Ffffffffffuuuuuu-
-No big e-dramas. Or maybe that's one of the bad things?
-The annual USA visit. Had a blast, checked out some zoos and made less enemies by the time I left. Also only tiny smidges of sunburn compared to last year.
-Getting two monthly awards on NG this year (for both Narwhals and Pixel Shrooms). Sure, they're partly cos of Weebl and the prizes have gone down a bit for the second one but meh)
-Good reception on my flash showreel. A chick from Rare liked it. Now if only I knew anything about business.
-Trying ultra fancy surf n turf (sirloin steak and lobster). It was like my tastebuds were trying that suffocatory sex.
-Slowly increasing my range of acceptable alcoholic drinks. They still involve sweet stuff in some way, but it's better than just sticking with alcopops right?
-Goggles becoming an unexpected hit with the ladies
Bad Stuff
-Our cocker spaniel Digby had to be put down.
-Family keep sticking me on dog watching duty, distracting from work.
-Not getting those driving lessons I was promised for my birthday.
-Needing to loan various family members lots of money.
-Not a lot outside the flash zone uniwise
-Not getting to make an iPhone game
-Visiting the Sega forums to support Ristar for All-Stars Racing. So much fail there.
NG Achievements
-Including stuff with Weebl (but not Sonic collabs), 20 Daily Awards, 6 Weekly Awards, 2 Monthly Awards, 1 review crew pick
-3rd Place in Pirate Day contest
Stuff of the Year
-Movie: UP
-Games: Rhythm Heaven/Paradise/Tengoku Gold, Modern Warfare 2, Arkham Asylum, Peggle iPhone
-TV: Harry Hill's TV Burp, Spectacular Spiderman S2
-Anime: K-On!, Tentai Senshi SunRed, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Sasameki Koto
Goals for 2010
-Learn to drive
-Visit Japan, maybe around Tokyo Game Show time (just need to find others willing to go who at least have a sense of direction)
-Get to the end of my uni course with something to take from it
-Get something on a (good) TV show
-Do something with my Wonchop series
Awesome People
-Weebl: For continually providing me with moneys
-Natsu: For staying my friend regardless of how much of a dick I can be
-People I've met up with such as Tom Fulp, MrSimon, Eddache, HappyHarry, Eddsworld, Flash Bros, etc.
-People I first met last year who don't completely hate me
-Kylee: For providing me with one set of voicework (I swear I'll try to think of more use for you next year)
-Bezman: For introducing me to Jungle Speed
-Other people I may have forgotten. I've been an unsocial bastard so not many spring to mind.
Next up, I should have a new animation done for you next week. Emphasis on should, cos uni's gonna get really pissed at me if I'm not done by next Tuesday. >_> Bad enough I'm an easily distracted sod without having to be called downstairs to look after the bloody puppy whilst the others do nice things. And it would have to be the week Bayonetta comes out now wouldn't it.
But yeah, the miniscule amount I have done is looking and sounding neat so far. I'll post some updates about it on my rather unused blog site soon.
Once that's out of the way, I'll finish up the facelift of my poor neglected homepage (just gotta update the animation section, wish I knew how to do that database shit). Also, I'm in talks with Eddache about some possible collaborative projects (y'know, since he actually knows how to write scripts).
I've booked a spot at Comic Con whilst I figure out how I'm gonna go about this summer (never been good at planning future events). Saturday got sold out already but dammit I'm gonna attend that NG Party if it kills me (or preferrably someone else). I'm trying to figure out if there's a cheap way to stay in Cali long enough so I can attend both that and AX (and by figure out, I mean mope about and some internet person will give me suggestions.) I kinda wanna go to Japan afterwards so I can visit the Tokyo Game Show, as well as indulge in all manner of weeaboo stuff. Just a matter of finding someone to go with me since I get lost easily and don't know shit about Japanese outside of Yu-Gi-Oh lingo.
Oh yeah, and I weren't lying about those talking tits. Another fine product from Japan.