Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

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Eurogame Expo, Fredbot Dooflip

Posted by Wonchop - November 3rd, 2009

First up, I submitted a quick 4-second short to Channel Frederator celebrating their 4th anniversary. You can watch it at the 2:17 mark, but the rest of the stuff is worth watching too.

/* */
So last weekend, I went to the Eurogamer Expo in London to try a bunch of games n shit.

Of particular interest was an industry fair, so I burned a few reels to take with me. However, going up there, I wasted a lot of time up there on pondering what to ask industry biggies like Rare, Sega and Ubisoft, with just my puny flash reels, particularly since everyone else had brough crazy hot portfolios with them, and all I had were my DVDs and various sketchbooks filled with doodles of Robotnik playing Yu-Gi-Oh!. After a brief chat with a lady from Rare, mentioning that my flash animation could somehow translate towards 3D (since it's got some of the basic principles down at least), I gave some copies to Ubisoft and Rare. It was a bit annoying that the feedback was in the line of 'not Rare quality' (I was aware of that much) and 'your skills don't match our open positions' as opposed to any feedback on how to improve on it and what I should work on, but maybe that's my misinterpretation of the term 'industry fair'. I'll probably get some better feedback when I show my reels at the Flip Festival in Wolverhampton this Saturday.

Here's a quick roundup of the games I played:

New Super Mario Bros Wii: Since it died down towards the evening, I got a go on all the levels on show, and it was pretty fun, if a little hectic with four dudes on screen at once. Stupid Luigi chucked me down a pit. >=U

God of War III: Using the next-gen wisely to realistic represent flesh ripping apart as a guy's head is yanked off. A little out of touch with my God of War games (still need to play II) though ramming through guys is fun.

Bayonetta: Damn, that falling clock tower level is badass. Plus, who doesn't like to kill bad guys with giant boots made out of your hair.

Split Second: Framerate's a little iffy, but it's definitely got the adrenaline factor going for it. Made me particularly jump when a building crash landed like 5cm away from me.

Uncharted 2: Pretty neat. If I had the time for games, I'd totally consider getting a PS3. Just needs a few more incentive buys.

Tekken 6/Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Both suffered from the general situation of 'guy who wanted to try out the game to see if he likes vs guy who will kick your ass with all sorts of h4x combos'

Ratchet and Clank - A Crack in Time: Targeting's a little off, though it's neat to do the spanner chuck on the move.

Red Steel 2: Introduced an odd method of cracking into a safe. Also, combining your sword and your turning controls to the Wii Remote is a silly idea.

Various Indie Games - Lots of stuff to simple puzzle type games, to a neat stunt bike game called Joe Danger, to pixelly stuff like VVVVVVVV and Time Fcuk, to this weird one that asked me to find someone to play and shake hands with him... ew...

nVidia 3D glasses - They kept flicking on and off making them feel more like seizure glasses. I find it a bit odd since they had regular 3D glasses for games like Avatar already. The 3D stuff just looks a bit too stand outy for my tastes anyway.

There's also another Cat Face in the pipelines (still need to remind Weebl to submit the ones missing from the Portal) and my stuck in development hell animation dooflip.

Ciao for now.



Always Iron Dirty Socks


How Elephants Recycle Paper Excites Squirrels

nice GIF there buddy

also animation lol


Lol, well my initial plan was to sweet talk them into hiring me for flash work (websites n stuff) but I didn't have the heart. But yeah, there's similar things between flash, such as movement, easing, etc.

unfortunately the game industry doesn't care about flash games but i was pleased to read about a representive of rare showing intrest in flash and possibly converting into 3D. wonchop you may have shown the game industry that there's more than making childish flash games....wonchop you have made us proud. ill probably see you at the london meet sometime soon.

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What the deuce are you staring at?

Fredbot? Whut is fredbot? This concept confuses Bash!


He's there mascot it seems

Emo Reset :)


dude, new super mario bros wii is out?? I MUST GET IT!!!!

It comes out at the end of the month, November 20th here.

Your 4 second short for the channel frederator is great & really funny I probably watched it 10 times and still laugh Great job

.... They... said ... you.... wernt .... good.... enough? .... Imma have to go hit them =O ... you are like a god... a .. very hairs monkey god.. of doom =D .. but seriously man, how can they say you arnt good enough, you're awesome. I was gonna go to london but I decided not to.. regret it now I know you went :( .. work on 3D moulding all your flash stuff.. and lots of 3D stuff thats totally random though.. it always impresses people to see 3D things :D

To be fair, it's my flash animation vs the guys who've made Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie and Viva Pinata. Naturally, there's gonna be some high standards.
I would like to try more 3D stuff but most of my time is taken by job/school work. And the rest, erm... well I'm lazy okay...

I'm still just waiting for gopherball Z.
Now here's a toughy,

turd sandwich or giant douche?

I guess a douche, since it'd probably smell better.

? who is fredbot?

Apparently it's a mascot of sorts.