Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
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Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - May 19th, 2009

Well, they finally released the Street Fighter Collab but sadly my small part is absent. The logical reason being that there were multiple shorts that followed the 'doesn't this special move sound like' format, and Egoraptor's stood out as having the most effort in the animation (though personally, I question how universally known pound cake is. We don't get it in the UK that's for sure.)
Since it's length and general rushedness (I had a lot of things going but wanted to contribute anyhow) isn't really suited for a single Portal release, I'll just stick ye olde Youtube vid below so you can marvel at how I seamlessly switch pronunciations of 'Ryu'.

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In other news, I'm working on a new Weebl toon, which should be up on the site by Thursday, with the Portal release possibly coming a little later.

Also, can anyone going to Comic Con reccomend me some affordable hotels I can go to?

Posted by Wonchop - May 8th, 2009

K, a quick update on things.

In case you missed it, here's me Pico Day submission from the other week. I forgot to post it about it once I got my FP post back. It's just a little loop this time, since I got very busy finishing other stuff up over the easter holidays.

We're almost up to date with Cat Face episodes, soon as Weebl can get round to uploading episode 13. I don't generally post about Cat Face releases, since they don't particularly represent my animation skills too much, although I'm pretty pleased with one of the few characters I get to design myself, the Spiv from Cat Face 12.
(Just so we're clear, I fully started animating Cat Face from episode 8 (not counting some of the premade animations like Cat Face's floatiness), whilst 7 just involved lip sync and some small head movements.)

Speaking of Weebl, fans of his music tracks can now purchase full tracks of his earlier toons from iTunes.

I'm currently working on some pixelly stuff for a commission, which should be fun.

For fans of Sonic Shorts (god rest your souls), here's some silly thing that I made.

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Oh, and it's my 23rd birthday on Monday, and I don't have a clue what I want. ><

That is all.


Posted by Wonchop - April 25th, 2009

I get really bored sometimes. For example, one day, I randomly decided to play the Munchy Monk minigame on Rhythm Tengoku Gold (/Heaven/Paradise) using my oh so hairy chin. I somehow transformed into a posh accent early on in the vid too.

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Then about a week later, since I noticed a couple of gaming sites picking up on it, I decided to record another, doing the much harder 10th Remix (sans the accent).

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So yeah, sad muppet right here.

In other news. I'm contemplating what to do conwise at the Summer, with a question mark still looming over this year's Anime Expo, but I've got tickets for the Thursday and Friday of Comic Con days (I was slow so I missed out on 4day and Saturday passes.) If someone can convince me Sunday will be interesting, I might get a ticket for that day too and spend Saturday at like the zoo or something.

Flash wise, I've spent the majority of the month doing the ol' worky type stuff. I want to get a new demo reel together at some point, which would incorporate some 3D, stop motion and After Effects into the mix, as well as my Flash stuffs.

Might see if I can make something for Pico Day, but no promises, as I'm a busy/lazy bee sometimes.

I end this journal with a MrSimon facepalm.

Playing Rhythm Heaven with my Face

Posted by Wonchop - March 28th, 2009

So today's, I went over to London to check out UK Web & Mini Comix Thing 09. It was maybe a little silly of me to attend a webcomic convention, since the only two stands I actually knew of were Eddsworld and Eddache, and I hung around them more than pottering about the place. I also met the rest of the Eddsworld crew including Tom, Matt, as well other people I forgot (to ask) the names of. I spent a lot of the afternoon sitting as Eddache's stand hoping someone will buy a sketch from me, but to no avail. D=
Later on, Happy Harry (who provided voices for Keep Your Computer Happy in case you missed it) came by, and even laterer on so did Weebl. There was much lolness in watching Weebl attempt to find Harry who was right behind him and failing badly (took him another 15 minutes to actually see him. XD)
I ended up buying a couple of badges. My favourite is the one by Eddache that reads "I'm so hungry I could RAPE a horse."
Afterwards we went to the nearest JD Wetherspoons where we had booze, cocktails, and numerous plates of chips bought with a mysterious tenner. One of the amusing highlights was a pass along comic Eddache started which involved drawing a frame of a comic following on from the previous frame and passing it along. I won't spoil til Eddache posts it online, but needless to say, it got fucked up pretty quickly.
All in all, it was a warm reminder of the recent NG London Meet and just how fun it is to booze it up and socialize with internet peoples without a mass of e-drama to follow up. Lovely.

I leave you with pics of Tom loving himself a bit too much.

UK Webcomix Thing 09

Posted by Wonchop - March 20th, 2009

Just released my recently completed uni animation to the portal.
Go vote 5 please

If, however, you don't fancy waiting 7mb for a minute long animation, you can just watch it below.

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I should also have another short project released this week if all goes well: a mock CITV ad of sorts with Happy Harry providing some brilliant voices to the mix. So look forward to that.

Edit: In the portal now

Black Hole Sheep in the Portal

Posted by Wonchop - March 2nd, 2009

First off, I wanna thank you kind people for the response on Narwhals, finally allowing me to see my name at the top of the Top 50 listing for a short while (I don't count Sonic Short collabs cos they're, y'know, Sonic.) I kinda wanna punch all the people moaning about it being a loop, but I never drank enough milk in my youth so I'd probably break my hand.

One thing you may have noticed in the animation, (as well as a couple of the animations I made for E4.com a while back,) was the sexy looking background animation.
This is a technique combining Gradient Transforming and Shape Tweening that I like to call 'Gradient Tweening.'
And since I had randomly downloaded a screen-capture software trial for a uni dooflip I'm doing (which HappyHarry87 is helping me voice :D), I made a rather mumbly tutorial about it. I'll probably try and add more annotations to it to cover for the more 'wtf are you saying' bits.

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Also, just noticed Tom put up the achieve- er I mean, totally original Medals system on our pages. It currently only works on Portal Defenders atm but it looks like Tom will reveal the secrets to the magic nature soon enough. Could give games, and possibly movies, a new form of light.
50 for listening to a Weebl loop 25 times in a row, maybe?

Gradient Tweening - The sexiest tween there is

Posted by Wonchop - February 21st, 2009

So the latest volume of Sonic Shorts was released yesterday. We were a lot tougher on what went into the collection, putting a pox on all 'run into something' gags. I'm pretty pleased with how the animation for my part turned out.

There's also a new toon over at Weebl's stuff about Narwhals which should be up on NG later on in the week.
Edit: K it's now in the portal. Sadly he's submitting them now, so I won't be able to respond to your reviews personally. That was one of the fun parts of submitting a new flash. ='(

Going back to Sonic Shorts, TheWax was telling me as he was submitting it that he was unable to submit it with the intended title (it was originally without a colon, like the previous volumes) because a spam movie had already taken it. Whilst many of you will just go 'pfft, it's just a colon, no need to cut yourself over it', it does bring up concern that such a system exists. I don't know if this always existed, or whether it was just implimented for the recent upgrade to the search bar, but it does seem problematic.

Spam flashes following a popular video game parody series aside, this also brings problems for seperate artists having ideas for flashes that coincidentally share the same name. Like if someone wanted to submit their experimental flash they've been working months on under the name 'Apple', only to find they can't submit it as 'Apple' cos it was taken by a comedy about an apple trying to get lucky. Sure you can go with the seemingly cool '-Apple-' method of naming, but really you shouldn't need to.

In other news, got a couple more uni projects in the running, one being a mock commercial and one involving...erm... a sheep. Should be fun.

And anyone playing Street Fighter IV, make sure you play it with 'Arcade Requests' off, or you will hate life. More than you probably already do.

Sonic Vol 5, Narwhals, Name hogging?

Posted by Wonchop - February 7th, 2009

Vote 5

I know, it's a little late for Xmas, but duties pushed it back a little bit. This one contains considerably more effort than that other flash I release recently so it's worth a watch. :P

A now to flesh out this journal here's some Youtube vids I made recently.

A clown model I made with very amateur rigging set to weird background

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Eminem synced with Kirby

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And finally Yu-Gi-Oh set to Rhythm Tengoku Gold which I seriously want through my postbox right now.

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Posted by Wonchop - January 18th, 2009

Just got back from London, and boy was it a swell little dealie.

Met up with MrSimon and then headed off to Namco Station, where we saw loads of NG Peeps, including sexy man Tom Fulp. I forgot to bring my PS2 copy of Alien Hominid to sign so I asked him to sign my copy of Castle Crashers instead (hey, he found it funny). Dodgems were once again a blast, particularly since MrSimon couldn't put on his seatbelt cos it was stuck.

Once in the downstairs area, I finally got to meet my boss, Weebl (who i kept as a surprise prior to the meet :P) and it was pretty neat. Other people I got to meet included the two Edds (Eddsworld and Eddache), The Swain and the various staff people who came with Tom, as well as almost everyone who attended the last meet (Kayn, Sqeezy, Flash Bros., Hans, Luis, etc.)

A recurring theme throughout the evening was the ultimate duel between me and MrSimon, settling our 4 year rivalry. Here's how it went down:

DDR - MrSimon wins (despite me accidentally picking Easy difficulty on the first stage)
Air Hockey - MrSimon wins 7-5
Tekken 6 - I win, 2 games out of 3. (Kazuya vs Kuma, Paul vs Eddy, Steve vs Law)
Outrun 2 - I win, 1st place (i think it's the first time i've ever cleared an outrun course, and this is through all the hard paths too.)
Pool - Simon chokes on the 8 ball, I finish it off. I win

Supreme victory for me

Ahem, moving along.

After the Nacmo Station, we headed off to another pub, where there were more booze, as well as Cheesy Chips. And after that we went to another pub where there was karaoke and pizza randomly appeared from nowhere.

All in all a swell day. Much thanks to Luis to organising, Tom and Weebl for showing up, MrSimon who bought me drinks and the two kids who asked me for autographs. Good times for all.

Also, I got Tom to do this.

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Good times indeed. :3

In other flash news, I'm working on some shit that I need to get done by next week. *gulp* But it should be cool.

And now here's Bezman doing a little dance after taking pictures of our arses all day.

NG London Meet 4 Roundup/TomFulp gets down

Posted by Wonchop - November 19th, 2008

Dammit it's making me hungry.

Edit: I'm getting a fair amount of reviews saying their experience issues with the subtitles. Make sure you have the latest flash player installed (at least 9 is required for this movie.)

Oh, and the NXE is now upon us. I've already made my avatar. Hooray for them providing good ol' mickey mouse gloves. Also tried out one of the Community Games, Artoon, which had a neat art style. Probably worth a shot for anyone on NG who knows anything about programming (ie. not me)

Profiteroles in the Portal