Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - September 25th, 2010

I've compiled the first four installments of Every Everything Ever, and it is now in the portal. Vote 5 Please!

As far as other stuff goes:
*I'm no longer working on the Weebl's Stuff team. It was admittedly a shaky year, so it was probably for the best. The most recent animation, Cat Face 22, is my last contribution to the site (though there's still a bunch of stuff Weebl's yet to upload to Newgrounds. If he hasn't already filled the position, you could try contacting him for a chance at my old position. As for me, I'll try and find some other way to get my moneys.
*Regarding the Chicken and Fox toon I made for CITV a few weeks ago, I had to take it down from Youtube since idiots were posting comments pertaining to vore (worst fetish ever) and CITV weren't pleased. Yeah I know Youtube has a disable comments option, but I decided to play it safe. You can view it at CITV's site here: http://www.itv.com/citvonline/shareast ory/joana/ . There might be some region blocking in some countries, I dunno. When I actually get round to updating my much ignored website, I'll probably post it there.
*Had quite a few ills, one I refuse to tell the internet about, and the other being a broken tooth which has been quite a nuisance these past weeks. Whilst the first one's more or less been sorted this week, I'm currently on painkillers til I can get my tooth looked at.
*If you enjoy my Youtube poops, I've created a new Youtube account for that purpose so I can concentrate my main account on animation. Y'know, when I'm actually bothered to do anything about it. It's here anyway: http://youtube.com/MrTwoslice

I guess that's more or less covered it. Might try doing a few more shorts, and maybe actually start working on this project I sorta have going with Eddache (who just got married btw so congrats to him). I'm also gonna look into whether I'll be able to attend the upcoming NG meets happening in Ireland (November) and Manchester (January).

Until next time...

Every Everything Ever Volume 1

Posted by Wonchop - September 6th, 2010

This summer I had been working on a secret commission. Well, now I can finally lift the veil on it!

What I had been working on during the Summer was one of a series of shorts Birmingham based studio Character Shop have been producing for Citv. In these shorts, little kids had to send in storyboards and the winners got to have their ideas animated. The studio of the shorts, titled "The Chicken and the Fox", would look good in flash, and since they had spotted my work in my grad show, they gave me a ring! They gave me some animatics and basic designs to work with, but pretty much all the art and animation is mine.

The shorts will air on the Citv channel (Freeview 72, Sky 621, Freesat 602, Virgin 734, Channel 307) throughout the week. My short will air at the following times:

6th September (THAT'S THIS AFTERNOON): 16:25
7th September: 15:55
8th September: 17:25
9th September: 15:25
10th September: 16:40

I did have it on Youtube for a short while, but apparently CITV weren't keen on all the people commenting on vore (that stupid thing where people find the idea of being eaten arousing). However, their official Share a Story is up where you can watch all of the shorts.
This one's mine: http://www.itv.com/citvonline/shareast ory/joana/

I'm currently recovering from a little something (not telling you what), and will probably resume flashitising later on in the week. Got a new Cat Face to do, and I might also have a little Every Everything Ever in mind too.

In other flash related stuff, I made this entry into TomSka's asdfcomp going on on Youtube. Recorded late at night hence suckiness.

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There's also another 8 Bit Pwny Club with a little something animated by me at the 4:30 mark.

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So yeah, watch the short and revel in its awesomeness (though you don't have to watch Horrid Henry afterwards if you don't want to).

Shorts airing on CITV this Week!

Posted by Wonchop - August 9th, 2010

So yeah, this weekend was the uber sexy Newgrounds London Meet VII, and uber sexy it was. Here's how shit went down.

Went down on Friday where, once checked into the hotel, I made my way to the White Swan and Cuckoo pub, which is a meetup favourite for its karaoke. Apparently the day before there was a thing in Islington which Weebl apparently attended but I wasn't there for it. I was first up with a bit of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance (I was even sad enough to work in some YGO:Abridged lyrics in there), though apparently I missed my call to sing Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. =( I also discovered which alcohol could actually get me proper drunk despite my general dislike of beer. Good ol' cider. The night was spent having some boozes, chatting with folks and more than a few gay embraces (mostly from Oney). There was a bit of drama when I thought my iPod had been stolen, but it was just me completely forgetting it was in my OTHER jacket pocket. *d'oh*

Come Saturday, after getting some Pizza Hut for lunch, I headed to the London Eye where the NGers slowly started to gather. Most of the regulars showed up, such as Happy Harry, Sqeezy, Eddsworld, Eddache, Kayn, etc., with a few new people as well such as Zictor and this cute girl who tagged along with somebody. Once enough of us had gathered, we made our way to Namco Station and marked our territory in the downstairs bar. There were fake moustaches galore and plenty of rides on the dodgems (gotta love picking your targets right), but no Jungle Speed to be seen. D= After we decided to leave Namco, British weather decided to kick in and it started tipping, so in leau of a kickaround, we headed over to Camden Town and settled in a Wetherspoon's, where we were briefly visited by Mr Sexy himself, Akira the Don. We spent the remainder of the night at another pub/club thing where we drunk more booze, played Drink Pacman, chilled by the balcony, and got random strangers excited about my goggles. We finished it off with a walk back to our hotel.

You can view all my photos here, with photos from other attendees most likely propping up in this thread.

In other news, I hate myself for submitting Tidbits 2 at such a crappy hour where noone saw it. :/ Really gotta work on those timings.

Newgrounds London Meet VII

Posted by Wonchop - August 1st, 2010

Since Weebl's still a bit lazy in getting some of the more recent stuff I've made for him on NG, I put together another compilation of my various quickie stuffs to serve as a grim reminder that I haven't died yet.

Behold! Tidbits 2!

Any hoo, I got back from San Diego earlier this week. Neatly enough, I shared the same plane connecting between San Diego and Philly with Tom Fulp and some other NG people. (I think I was right in front of Mike but generally chose not to bother anyone.)

Anyhoo, following on from the description of Day One from my previous journal (to sum up, lotsa Scott Pilgrim related aceness), here's my summary of the other days as copypasta'd from deviantArt.

Day 2

As Friday's events kicked off, my first priority was to get Bryan Lee O' Malley to sign my copy of Scott Pilgrim Volume 6. I had had plans to visit a couple of panels about Cartoon Network and Stan Lee, but those were thwarted by either getting stuck playing games (in this case, Metroid Other M), and not knowing where the heck I'm supposed to be going. So for the majority of the day, I potted around the stalls, even spotting a stand dedicated to monkeys wearing goggles. Badass. Ran into Eddsworld and his possy, and Tom Fulp signed my Behemoth Stress Chicken, even giving it goggles. ;3 I also got Worf's autograph and briefly caught glances of people such as David Boreanaz and Seth Green. I later hung around Edd again and went to a panel about The Goon, which looks kinda interesting. After parting ways and carting around for some evening entertainment (note: trailing through each avenue one by one is not a good game plan), I eventually returned to catch the late night screening of Batman: Under the Red Hood, which was pretty badass.

Day Not 3

On Saturday, I didn't have a ticket to the con, so I slept in in the morning and then later, following a pointless walk down a long street completely void of passing taxis, went to a relaxing sauna. After that I got some souvenirs for me family and expressed by jealousy over Europe's lack of tasty flavoured drinks. I later returned home to have a late night swim whilst Bare Naked Ladies played at a concert just a few metres away.

Day 4

Started the day by going to a nearby restaurant for some Steak and Eggs for brekky. Was some damn lovely steak it was.
Later booked it to the con, following up on a few things with some purchases (namely The Goon and that thing with the goggle wearing monkeys), as well as trying out/buying a game or two. Decided to go the Phineas and Ferb panel, the show being one of the few I actually watch on a television, and it was fun hearing all the character voices and seeing some of the exclusive clips. I then went to get an autographed poster from the cast members, though the line was so long, I missed the chance to see the screening of an hour long special. But hope was not lost, as I ran into the likes of Rubberninja, Princess Aurora, Skraggy, Channel Cat, The Swain and others at the Behemoth booth. We mooched around the bit looking for photo opportunities that Skraggy could Skraggybomb into. Fun was had. After the con closed its doors, we collected what NGers and went to a mexican restaurant. The surf n turf with crab and shrimp in it was lovely, though the two Long Island Teas I had caused me to be a little wibbly between walks to the loo and randomly sing aloud mrSimon songs. The thing ended just as I had hoped, with a nice gettogether with my pals from the interwebs.

Now to hastily list my booty for the trip:

Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour (signed by Bryan Lee O Malley and three evil exes)
Scott Pilgrim poster (signed by O'Malley)
Autograph by dude who plays Worf
i-mockery Pixel Poster (signed by Mockery)
Phineas and Ferb Poster (signed by cast)
Servbot Bobblehead
Mameshiba bean dooflips
Behemoth Stress Chicken (signed and goggles by Tom Fulp)
Sinister Simians Trading Cards and Badge
Sam n Max Surfin the Highway
The Goon - Heaps of Ruination
Games (Picross 3D, Tales of Monkey Island, Megaman Zero Collection)
Various T-shirts (Two Scott Pilgrim ones, Mikoto Misaka Agnryfaec, i-Mockery Awesome Shark)
Badass Dinosaur trading cards from the 80s (complete with ancient gum)
Bunch of Pez Dispensers for me folks
Various free crap (pocky, wristbands, badges, comics, MvC3 not-comic, etc)

That should just about cover it.

You can catch photos of the meetup here.

Right now, I'm gearing up for next Saturday's NG London Meet. Jokes will be told. Drinks will be drunk. Knees will no doubt be fucked on the bumper cars. It'll be great.

Tidbits 2! Comic Con Roundup!

Posted by Wonchop - July 22nd, 2010

Howdy folks. I'm here in San Diego ready to sample the delights of Comic Con! The hotel I ended up in is quite swish with a lovely jacuzzi. And it's a short walk from a sushi restaurant. ;D
Most likely I'll be hanging around the Newgrounds/Behemoth booth, whilst also sampling the gaming and comic delights, and maybe checking out that Scott Pilgrim panel. If you're going during today, tommorow and Sunday and you spot someone wearing goggles and a blue shirt/vest combo, try your hardest not to punch him. ;)

For some reason we seem to be experiencing British weather in San Diego. At least that means less worrying about sunburn, right? (Remembers horrors of 2007)

I'll prolly do some doodles for my Deviantart once I get my laptop sorted, and I'll post a load of piccies when I get back, ready to face reality again. Kbye.

Well since this baby's still early on on the front page, I guess I'll post my Day 1 impressions.

First thing I did once I got my badge was to check into the Behemoth booth and say hi, before quickly sampling the delights of the Scott Pilgrim game (Kim Pine + Knives Chau special move = phwoar). Got the sixth volume of Scott Pilgrim though was slightly too late to get it signed today (will attempt tommorow). Had a go on a couple of games including Ghost Trick, some Yu-Gi-Oh! crap, and of course, i-Mockery and Bomtoons' Adobo game. ;D
Later caught up with various Newgrounders including Rubberninja, Hans, Princess Aurora, Luis, Swain, Nandi, TomSka and Skraggy.

Later on I went over to the Scott Pilgrim Experience where I got some free garlic bread (my main substenance for the day), as well as a few shirts and signings from three of the evil exes (one of which is Superman). I then headed over for the agonising wait for the Scott Pilgrim, filled with fears of 'am i in the right line?' We got in and the panel was amazing. Edgar Wright proved himself to be the ultimate troll when he brought out Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on stage only to point out they're not in the film and have them slink off. Seeing Micheal Cera in a Captain America outfit was highly amusing. The biggest surprise however, was Edgar Wright revealing that people who got given certain badges (including me) would get to be one of the first people to see the finished film. After some confusion in following him, we eventually got to the mysterious theatre where we got free popcorn, the epic film and some live music at the end. Anyone who enjoys the comics or just plain awesomeness should watch it when it comes out.

And then I finished by having a chilli cheese dog at Hooters. My personality quirk of not looking directly at people probably defeated the purpose of the establishment mind.

So yeah, looking forward to Day 2! =D

Posted by Wonchop - June 30th, 2010

Well, university's finally over and I now have a BA (Hons) in Animation. Sure it's not a first or anything, but I'm more of a 'yay I achieved something' than a perfectionist. There should be something coming out of it if Friday goes well, but I'll keep hush hush so I don't jinx it. Rest assured I'll still be helping Weebl with his stuff too, as well as trying to conjure up my own things.

Speaking of which, I've made a couple of quicky animations I've stuck on Youtube. First off is another episode of Every Everything Ever, though this time I've opted for a more mainstream topic to poke fun at.

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Then, as I was watching my Batman TAS DVD, I stumbled upon a quote that was just too good to not take advantage of.

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When I make enough of these shorts, I'll probably stick em in compilations for NG release. As far as other NG releases go, I'm sure Weebl will release some of the toons I worked on recently to NG at some point.

Next month, I'll be heading over to San Diego for Comic Con, where I'll no doubt be sporting my goggles, moping round the Newgrounds/Behemoth booth and hovering around to see if I can get a signed copy of Scott Pilgrim. Still need to figure out what to do on the Saturday I don't have a pass for mind. I wonder if Tom's still doing that party that I missed out on last year.

After that of course is the Newgrounds London Meet on August 7th. More goggles, more Jungle Speed, more awkwardness around other people. You know the drill.

Be sure to follow me about on my Twitter feed so you hear about the latest news and toons first.

Until next time.

Quicky Toons, Comic Con, Other Stuffs

Posted by Wonchop - June 10th, 2010

Hello there folks.

I've just put together a new showreel, that you can either watch below, or vote 5 on here. For some reason, it's got quite a low score on NG so far. I seriously dunno how to please you people when it comes to showreels. Also, if you haven't seen Tales of Beardyman, go do it now.

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Also, Weebl's been a bit slow on NG releases, as you've totally been missing out on a new animation by me about Flying Squirrels. I'll try and beg him to stick it up on Newgrounds if I can find him.

I also put up a quick installment of 'Every Everything Ever' up on Youtube, based on a topic I'm sure a few Youtube going NGers have encountered at least once. As for whether NG will see this kind of thing or not, well maybe when I try something a bit more mainstream.

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If you wanna be sure to be the first to hear about this stuff, then please follow me on Twitter.

So, I'm just about finished with my animation course, where I'll soon attempt to pay off those student loans I've been cheerfully blowing on worldwide trips. Speaking of which, Comic Con's coming up next month, and you'll prolly find me sporting my goggles around the Behemoth booth. Just don't hit me okay. Then it's back home for the NG London Meet in August.

Flashwise, I may attempt something for Robot Day. We'll have a see.

New Showreel, Other stuff

Posted by Wonchop - May 27th, 2010

Hello, it's 5:55am here and I did not go to sleep at all. That's because I was spending all night putting the finishing touches to my awesome new animation, Tales of Beardyman. Ninja Octopuses and Cyber Penguins? Gotta love it. Here's a nice HQ Youtube embed, but don't forget to check out the NG page as well and vote fives.

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I'd like to thank the couple of Level 5 students that helped in the production of this, as well as Deven and Alison (Eddache's bird) for providing some steller voices.

This represents the last piece of work I had to get done for uni, besides some grad show and some retarded animation festival thing we're being forced to do even though I can't see how anyone would attend what is effectively a grad show for a six person animation class. That means I have a bit more freedom to kick back, catch up with my games and make some more easy going flash. I have an inkling that Robot Day seems like a good thing to try out.

I'll probably submit the other uni animation I made (the monkey one) at some point, though I need to figure out how I can shrink the swf from the stupid 1080p size I animated it in. (Why did I do that...just...why?)

Anyhoo, hope you enjoy the animation!

Tales of Beardyman

Posted by Wonchop - May 11th, 2010

Turned 24 today (or yesterday if you count GMT time). Went to see Iron Man 2 which was pretty good.
Pressies I got so far are:

A new jacket
Super Street Fighter IV
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Batman Animated Series Volume One
A tiny Sonic figure
Blinky (Pacman ghost) sweets
Monies (with which I bought Warioware DIY)

I also made my first game with WarioWare, which you can watch here:

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Right now I'm working on my final uni project, which is starting to look epic. Keep up with it here.

Also this is totally my favourite video ever:

/* */

Berfday, Bearded People

Posted by Wonchop - May 4th, 2010

Hello there, chappies. Got back from my spontaneous trip to Philly the other day, so here's my lil roundup.

Thursday (Arrival)
Took the long flight to Philadelphia, watching the odd movie along the way. Getting to the hotel was surprisingly piss easy, so it wasn't long before I met up with all manner of NGers, including Tom, Luis, Egoraptor, Hans, Happy Harry, Oney, and quite a few ones I hadn't met before including Stamper, Krinkels, MakoPudding (Gretel+Hansel), Brad Borne (Fancy Pants), along with others. After figuring out how to sort out the suites (all graciously paid for by Mr Fulp), we had some dinners at TGI Fridays (conveniently next door to the hotel) before hitting a couple of pubs, where my poor abilities of fishing a cherry out of a Shirley Temple were made apparent. After that we went home for a bit of Street Fighters. I seriously cannot use arcade sticks for these things. Heck, I can play better with the 360 analogue stick.

Friday (Pico Day)
Got out a bed early after being informed by Jonas there was a complimentary breakfast buffet happening at TGIF, and quite yummy it was. (This also happened for the following two days so I shan't repeat.) We then hopped in Luis' car and arrived at the Newgrounds office, where a giant projector was ready to stream all the offerings Pico Day had for us, ranging from the more awesome stuff like Operation Graveyard, to your classic 'NG Staff jacking each other off'. There was also barbecue and a Pico-shaped cake, but the best part had to be the chalk wall. Literally an entire wall (and door) covered in chalkboard material, what else would we NGers do but draw a load of cocks on it. Oh and was there a lot of cocks. I drew quite a few, including some, erm, self portraits, that I'm understandably shy about sticking online. There was also a webcast of the thing, of which I can safely admit was a total twat on. Also got to see a couple of in-progress stuff, such as Pox/Bomtoons' upcoming Abobo game, a hands on of Fancy Pants World 3 and a trailer for that upcoming Newgrounds documentary. Silly me forgot to ask for a tour of the office though. X|

After that, we tried going to a karaoke bar, but it was too full, so we instead went to Luis' house where we played some Street Fighter III and Brawl. I came in 3rd a lot in Brawl. This went up til about 4am, which is probably the reason why some people like Ego didn't show at Baltimore.

Friday (Baltimore Meetup)
After breakfast, we got shoved into various cars, mine mostly being shared with people I don't know who apparently have a hardon for PopEye's, and drove the long drive to Baltimore. After taking forever to park and trudging through the ungodly heat, we made it to the Inner Harbor, where a couple of dudes such as Starogre and Nogfish were, and went to ESPN Zone. I'll say it right now, it has NOTHING on Namco Station (particularly its absence of bumper cars and a place to sit down to chat and play Jungle Speed) but there were some neat stuff, such as arcade games that implemented fans and vibration to give you an immersive feeling of speed. I briefly popped into a place for some sushi and a book store for some Batman books midway. We later went to said bookstore for some cooling beverages and general flaming. After that, it was unanimously decided that Baltimore has bugger all else and returned to Philly, stopping at a Taco Bell along the way where some git clerk gave me a cup of water with some sour cream in it. >=U After that we spent the night watching The Thing, playing some vidyagames, stealing pizza someone else paid for and erm... doing my laundry.

Sunday (kthxbai)
After nabbing a bit of brekky and saying farewell to whoever was awake, I went back to the airport. Getting home was confusing, as when I checked in, I was told that my final connection between Paris and Birmingham was cancelled. O.o Thankfully this turned out not to be the case, but still tedious. Also annoying was the constant malfunctioning of the on-demand service on the flight from New York, where I also somehow lost one of my Batman books =(. And finally, there was a tedious half hour wait for the baggage claim to get its shit together.

So all in all, it was pretty fun. Was perhaps missing a lil of the interaction from the London meets, although that might just be me being an antisocial git. Next stop is San Diego Comic Con in July, followed by the next London Meet in August. Woo.

Flashwise, I didn't have time to make anything for Pico Day, though there is this. There's also a new Cat Face, which is only partly animated by me this time due to the holiday (or as Weebl would put it, 'me going to some furry convention').

Right now, I'm working on getting my final animation for uni, working with some second year students to make it look awesome. One of them's promising 3D cyber penguins. Awesome.

Here's my pics of the weekend's activities, though clearly the best picture is this one taken by Luis. Enjoy the mindfuck, guys.

Pico Day/Baltimore Meetup Roundup