Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
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Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - October 6th, 2012

Couple new animations to share with you folks!
First one is this Sonicky thing I released in the Portal earlier this week.

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You may or may not recall between 2008 and 2010, I worked with Weebl on various animations for his site. This past month we once again joined forces to make this Nativity themed animation promoting a contest ITN are holding. (It's out in October to give entrants the time to make their films and stuff.) I drew and animated it, Weebl wrote and voiced it and removed the epic beard I stuck on Baby Jesus. =(

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New Animations! Sonic + Weebl

Posted by Wonchop - September 29th, 2012

Been a while since I made a news post. I was kinda holding off until I finished this vlog I was doing on the Summer in the City event I went to in August (basically a dorky Youtube meetup complete with ballpit), but that's still on the backburner, so rather than bore you with that, I'd thought I'd share a few short animations I made the past couple of months.

First here's a dumb short about PPI, which is sort of a thing in the UK right now:

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Next, we have a short about biscuits (proper biscuits, not those flavorless scones you Americans claim are biscuits.)

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Finally, here's a lil animation of a clip from Egoraptor and JonTron's Game Grumps series, simply cos everyone else on Youtube was making one.

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I'll most likely be producing more shortish stuff in the near future and, when I've made enough, I'll probably release another Tidbits compilation on Newgrounds. Also doing commissions and whatnot so yay.

If all goes well, I should be attending the London MCM Expo at the end of October, possibly in some dubious cosplay? We'll see.
Oh and I'll totally be going to this next January.
Til next time.

Posted by Wonchop - July 11th, 2012

Hello there once again, folks! Thought I'd inform you all of a bunch of animations I worked on that have recently been released.

First off, this music video of asdfmovie's Mine Turtle, which was created by TomSka, performed by the talented Todd Bryanton and storyboarded by Paul ter Voorde. I hope to get a Newgrounds version out at some point, but I assume I'll have to wait til Tom's done touring America.

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Next up is this trailer I animated for the iOS title, Nom Nom Monkey, which just got its V1.1 release today. Check it out below and maybe Check out the game itself?

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Finally, here's a big showreel I put together, showing off a good deal of my work on web and TV, including the stuff I worked on for CBeebies' "The Lingo Show". You can find a list of all the animations featured here. Oh, and it also features some music by Waterflame.

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In other stuff, I recently attended my brother's wedding and am currently incredibly poor til I get paid for a couple of jobs. Hopefully if I can save enough I'll be attending this NG Manchester Boozefest in August.

Until next time!

Posted by Wonchop - June 1st, 2012

Howdy again, folks! Just thought I'd let you know I have a new animation out! Much love to Kylee for providing voicework!

In other news, last weekend I went to the MCM Expo, which was a fun ol' time of meeting up with peeps, playing vidyagames and watching dudes make out in a huge game of spin the bottle.
There's a full writeup on the event here, as well as video of some poster tube I vandalised with a kawaii penis.

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And now to revel in how little money I have again...

Posted by Wonchop - May 1st, 2012

Howdy folks. So this weekend, I went to a Youtube gathering in Lincoln. The weekend mostly consisted of hanging out, listening to gig music, eating foods and watching the Avengers movie (which is quite badass). I made a video of it in which I dance like a muppet, get slapped in the face by Matt and generally scare the living shit out of everyone I meet. Enjoy the madness below.

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Next thing to do is to try and raise some funds for the London MCM Expo, which will have a fair few Youtubey and Newgroundsy people around from what I can gather.

Oh yeah, I also recently remembered I have this Spreadshirt store so I stuck a few designs in there (open to new ones). I think there's some question as to whether people outside the UK can buy things from there? If not I'll try and look into getting a US one as well if there's enough interest.

Also Colors! 3D is friggin' amazing. That is all for now.

Lincoln Gathering Roundup (aka Wonchop gets slapped in the face)

Posted by Wonchop - April 11th, 2012

Howdy folks, got a new spontaneous short out today! This is the result of what happens when I ask Twitter for words and make an idea based on them. And y'know, not bother to write a script as usual. Depending on how it goes down, I might try more of these down the lines when I'm lacking ideas.

In other stuff, got to see my animation work on the new CBeebies show, The Lingo Show, which began airing a couple of weeks ago. For those in the UK interested, it's the episodes titled "Questanets" and "Queso the Clown", mainly bits on scenes involving both Lingo and Queso (I don't have a credit due to it being work experience, but you should be able to tell what I animated via the copious amounts of easing I used.) I dunno about when it's airing outside of its first loop, but I suspect it'll show on BBC iPlayer now and again. For those unable to catch it (the iPlayer's region locked), you can just look at this awkwardly out-of-context shot from a scene I animated. Frankly, I probably should've mentioned this about a week ago when it was readily available on iPlayer, but it had slipped my mind and then the news of Edd's passing came and it didn't feel appropriate at that point.

So yeah, as far as Edd's concerned, he was a pretty nice chap. I remember meeting him during one of Newgrounds London Meets, my initial reaction being "Damn, you're tall...oh look it's Tom Fulp." I since met him a few more times at further meets and expos, probably the last time I met him being last summer's London Meet. It's not my place to act like I knew him that well, but I will say, the guy knew how to stick to a project and deliver, an aspect I have always been particularly jealous of. It goes without saying, he'll be missed.

So as far as other stuff goes, I recently got another little niece with another one supposedly on the way, so that's nice I guess. I'm currently studying for my theory test at the moment. Apparently. Not easy when your room consists of 5% floor, 10% computer and 85% comfy bed. But nonetheless, I'll perservere. Also booked my tickets for May's London MCM Expo and may possibly attend some Youtube meetup in Lincoln funds depending.

See you some other time.

New short, CBeebies stuff, that one guy

Posted by Wonchop - March 17th, 2012

So first up, a quick lil short I made today when I learnt it was apparently St. Patrick's Day. Go check it out! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/592049

As far as what I've been up to these past months, last February I spontaneously took up a week's work experience at Dinamo Productions in Wales. Along with getting to meet Krystal and some other talented animators, I got to work on a kids show called 'The Lingo Show', which started airing on CBeebies earlier this week (the episodes I worked on should appear on the 27th and 28th this month if my calculations are correct.) If you're British and enjoy watching preschool animation (I'm a hardcore Peppa Pig fan myself), you can check it out on weekdays at 9:35am and 1:35pm, or just watch on BBC iPlayer. All in all, it was good experience even if it did leave me pretty broke for a short while afterwards.

Otherwise, it's mostly been pretty hectic in my household as I'm getting shoved into smaller rooms and stuff, but I'm trying to get some freelance gigs in. Should hopefully be a bit more productive in the future. Should also be hopefully attending MCM Expo in London in May.

Well, enjoy the toon. Toodles!

New Short, Stuff I've been up to

Posted by Wonchop - January 23rd, 2012

So, what up folks. This past weekend was the second coming of the Newgrounds Manchester Meet. There's no summer London meetup this year due to Olympics and shit, though I'm still likely attending the MCM Expos happening in May and October. But getting back on topic, here's how shit went down.

After general blog checkeries, I made my way to Birmingham in order to get onto the Megabus. Bus was late, but at the least, not as late as it was last year. No chats with girls this time so I just played a little Warioware to pass the time. Upon arriving in Manchester I eventually managed to hook up with Ragnarokia and made our way to Kyoto Lounge where Sexy Luis and some others were waiting. Shortly afterwards, we went over to the Odder Bar where I ate some pizza, french fries and what was described on the menu as 'Om Nom Nom Butterscotch Cheesecake', played some Street Fighter with Idocreating and was later joined by mrSimon, who I swear gives me an orgasm everytime he pronounces the word 'fat'. Afterwards, we headed over to the Orchid Lounge for some karaoke, where I gave an epic rendition of "Barbie Girl" which probably convinced the entire place I was gay. There was also some weird midget who kept given me weird commands that I couldn't understand due to not speaking club/drunk. Afterwards, we headed to another pub where I couldn't help but stare at the little reflection of myself in my slightly dilated pupil, before heading back to my lodgings with mrSimon, who talked about how I should take more pride in my achievements with asdfmovie4 (10th most viewed UK Youtube vid of 2011, Highest Viewed Animation, so you know) before taking a piss in the street. Me and Rag soon relaxed in hotel and watched some shit, I think it was Underworld somethingorother.

After taking a billion years to get out of bed (a problem I'm having with my own largeass bed at home), me and Rag watched some a bit of Top Gear and something called Driving Wars (Rag was disappointed at the lack of explosions) before heading off in search of lunch. Finding Ido along the way, we decided to go to a Pizza Hut where we ended up ordering a bigass Stuffed Crust pizza that none of us could finish off completely. After only gathering one or two stragglers at the meeting point, we proceeded onwards to Kyoto Lounge where we played some more Street Fighter, as well as some Blur and the obligatory Jungle Speed (Rabbids version), as well as getting in some various drinks and observing some of the weird stuff people were playing. My fangirl Murt (only slightly taller than the previous day's midget) texted me with a request to send a pic of me kissing mrSimon on the cheek, only for the SMS client she was using to continuously spam me for the remainder of the evening. Later on, there was a Nintendisco thing where they had Street Fighter and Mario Kart tournaments on the SNES. I won a match, pissing off LegolaSS who was one victory away from winning the top prize, before just losing to some git spamming Chun-Li's Lightning Kick spam. Easy to forget how broken this stuff was in the 16bit era. Also briefly checked out a pub opposite for a quick cider before returning to Kyoto til closing. Me and some others then got some Domino's before heading back to our abode to watch some...beach volleyball or some shit.

After checking out, I briefly hooked up with some of the other Newgrounders, though we eventually split off as I craved food. Went to Yo Sushi where I nommed some yummy Beef sushi and later stopped by a Ben & Jerry's stand. Was tempted to get some Cherry Garcia in regards to my most recent animation (which you all missed cos you suck), but went for some Alaskan and Chocolate Brownie instead, before eventually making my way back to the bus and back home.

So yeah, all in all, good times were had. And now to revel in my complete lack of money.
Photos of the meet.

ps. Totally digging the 3DS's SwapNote/Nintendo Letter Box feature. If you guys wanna add me and share some epic doodles, my friend code's 4940-5524-9737.

Newgrounds Manchester Meet Roundup

Posted by Wonchop - January 13th, 2012

Lot of things to check off so let's do this:

*New animation, Cherry Garcia, is in the portal, as well as on Youtube.
*Also recently on Youtube, I did this Every Everything Ever toon about the Youtube redesign, which I'm sure will be relevant once NG's redesign hits you in the face.
*Did this Christmas e-Card for a Danish website. Has mice and shit and whatnot.
*Also a fair amount of weird, random shit on my secondary Youtube channel
*Newgrounds Manchester Meet comin' up next week! Gonna be filled with lots of booze, gaming and awkward homosexual tension. It'll be great. Will also most likely be attending the MCM Expo this May. Provided I stop being poor anytime soon.
*Moved into a solitary room for computering, gaming and sleeping. Seriously need some shelves in here.
*Got some nice stuff for Xmas. Mario 3D Land for my 3DS, Skyward Sword for my Wii and I bought myself Rayman Origins for the Xbox which is AMAZING. Also some wireless headphones and some blurays and stuff.

So yeah, enjoy the various links and see you in Manchester!

New Animation, along with other stuff!

Posted by Wonchop - November 1st, 2011

Hello there, chums. Just thought you'd like to know that the little iOS game I helped out with, Nom Nom Monkey is now available on the App Store. I animated the walk cycle in this game, along with a trailer that's yet to surface. Will keep you posted. I'm currently working on a similar project, but I'll have to keep shtum about that for now.

This past weekend, I went to the MCM Expo in London, where I hung out with the likes of TomSka and co, hug some asdf4 fans, meet some new peeps such as Ashens, played some vidya games (mostly Rayman Origins), bought some pointless stuff (cuddly lightning shield ftw) and had my ears tortured by Vic Mignogna panels.

Full report here, photos here.

Oh yeah, I also did this silly thing cos I was bored one day.

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Well, time to get down to making flash and maybe try and earn some money in time for the Manchester meet in January.

ps. Love this pumpkin Nae made for the carving contest.

MCM Expo, Nom Nom Monkey