Awesome stuff
That's guaranteed to have my cheeks hurting for a few days from all the smiling
Awesome stuff
That's guaranteed to have my cheeks hurting for a few days from all the smiling
Sadly, Cat Face is a bit slow when it comes to getting onto NG. The ability to float comes at the cost of not being able to run quickly. Usually its releases get put aside for some of the newer toons. We'll try and get them all up eventually (and by we I mean him.) If it makes you feel better, On the Moon's been a bit slow on getting onto Youtube too.
As for the lack of preloader, I think he accidentally uploaded the Youtube version (in which we take out the preloader and replay button since they're not needed.) Accidents do happen.
Nice work.
Nice Blackadder reference. As a fan of that I always get freaked out when I hear Hugh Laurie in an american accent.
Agreed. The only British person who truly suits an American accent is Stephen Hawking.
I'd say he's hot on his tail!
Sprite segments kinda brought it down (although the Shigsy sprites made me giggle a little) but the drawn segments looked really nice!
Rule 63 on Gerkinman scares me D=
Some pretty neat tidbits there
Very good
It's neat to see more people trying Madness stuff with fbf.
Monkeys with goggles, baby.
Age 38, Male
Flash Animator
Joined on 1/13/04