Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

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NG London Meet 5 (aka the Fling)

Posted by Wonchop - August 11th, 2009

Oh hey thar, here's my rundown of this weekend's meetup.

Since Friday's activities involved a beer festival (I don't like beer), I decided to start my meet on Saturday. Getting there was a pain in the ass mind. I had set the alarm on my phone to go off early, but it was still set to American time from my trip to Comic Con so there was less prep time. Was also a bit annoyed when the convenient subway line between Embankment and my hotel was closed for the weekend, and taking a taxi only to find the roads to Millenium Bridge had closed instead of just taking the Picadilly line was a stupid move on my part, and my lack of direction in finding places fails too. I made a madcap dash to the Millenium Eye, arriving just in time for the last group photo, letting out a few 'wait, fuck, not yet you bastards' whilst getting into position.
Despite it being incredibly sunny out, noone had any better ideas of where to go, so it was Namco Station yet again. It was the good ol fashion hanging out, involving boozing and chatting with some of the meetup regulars (fyi, there was no Fulp or Weebl at this meetup), playing a few games (beat Sqeezy at biking, but got my ass kicked by EddAche on table hockey) and, of course, the motherfucking bumper cars. I think I probably ended up with a slight limp for the rest of the weekend after whacking my knee against the steering wheel a couple of times, but it was still a blast.
Next was Marble Arch, though by the time I had checked into my hotel, foolishly missing the elevator and climbing five stories of stairs, got to the park, realised I hadn't eaten anything but a couple of Drumstick lollies all day and waited in line for some KFC, the party was already starting to leave. Due to my confusion about what group was going where, I got to have a look at the flat the main dudes were staying at, and regailed about lost loves and whatnot. We later went to The Sports Bar where two facts became prominent. One being that Bezman, sporting an awesome Wario-moustache for the meet, is an awesome dancing machine, and the other being that my goggles (new ones I had bought at Comic Con) were quite popular with the chicks in London.

Having been woken up by my mum, I was up considerably early than the other NGers, most likely recovering from hangovers (somehow, I never get drunk enough at these things), so I spent the morning potting around Leicester Square. Was a bit disappointed that the random hooker that approached me the last time I went to London (to see an Akira the Don gig) was replaced by some dude asking if I smoked any weed. (FYI I don't, which probably brings up more questions about my general behaviour). But I got myself a massage, played the new Rambo arcade game, went into the Pasaje Del Terror (further proving my theory that my goggles make me a sexy motherfucker), before eventually meeting up with Luis and the gang. We had a little pop in a few stores, where I began to wonder where the fuck was Klonoa for the Wii (found it on ebay though). We later got some more food and were introduced to the insanity that is Jungle Speed, the most frantic card game I've seen since their implimentation in saving the world from Egyptian evils. We played it again at the garden, though a bit of a downer came when Dim (SFB)'s bag went missing. We later went to a pub, where it became rather apparent that my ability of drinking shots was well....crap. I handle the green Castle Crasher shot a lot better though. Afterwards we all went back to the NG flat, where we played some Street Fighter IV and some more Jungle Speed. After playing a little Warioware, I headed back, awkwardly realising the difference between cabs and minicabs (the latter having no clue where anything was).

On Monday I decided to pop to Covent Garden to hang out with my bro, though I briefly ran into Kayn as well. We had a bit of a drink and catch up, Pizza Hut buffet and a lil gaming (one game being a frikkin pogo racing game from Japan), before checking out one of his friends on a plinth (the guy who followed in being an old guy chucking Mini Eggs everywhere). After that catchup, I head home, where I'm dumbstruck from being told I had started travelling at peak time whilst my return ticket was off peak, and I had to pay an extra £50. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

So yeah, apart from tha whatkindofpieceofshitestablishmentisth isfuckoffandletmebe moment, it was a fun trip. I'l have to try and not be lazy and make something whilst there's still some summer left. See you all at whatever the next NG meetup's gonna be.

Photos: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v646 /wonchop/nglondonmeet5/

NG London Meet 5 (aka the Fling)


'wait, fuck, not yet you bastards' did you really say that?

Something along those lines. Probably a few more fucks.

Nice job on the pictures.


twas awesome meeting ya man, you're good people! :D

I beat the Rambo arcade game. It's hella fun.

An extra £50?

That's commitment!

Well it's more 'better do what he says so I can actually go home'.



My eyes!The goggles do nothing!

Particularly on the dance floor, since all the sweat coming from your head steams them up.

i wouldn't mind fancying a pair of goggles myself :D


Are you really a monkey person?

Nah. Monkeys get more excercise.

Amen on those bumpercar/dodgems man. It's ok when your on your own in them but the second time round Hans jumped in mine and anytime i got hit on the side my knees would whack that steering wheel.

I did smack into a Luis a lot though, and WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GET ALL THOSE DRUMSTICKS!?!?!?

Won about 327 tickets, which got me a bunch of them and some mints which went unwanted.

lol, Zangief.






hey wonchop could you please say f


I had a choice between paying £90 to get my return upgraded to include peak-time travel, or wait an hour in a Yo!Sushi eating blue plates and drinking cola.

Was good seeing you again Ben.

Same here. Wish I knew about the whole peak difference before I got on the train. :/

You are a bastard

ahaha reading this a bit late, but at least I've read it, yeah?
Sounds like you had a great time, I sure would love to go to a London meet sometime!