Monkeys with goggles, baby.

Ben Smallman @Wonchop

Age 38, Male

Flash Animator


Joined on 1/13/04

Exp Points:
13,984 / 14,390
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Vote Power:
7.73 votes
Police Officer
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Wonchop's News

Posted by Wonchop - October 26th, 2009

Oh hey there folks.

So, in this upcoming Flip animation thingy in Wolverhampton next week, I'll be participating in a portfolio review session, in which people show their demo reels in front of an audience, and a few industry professionals pick them apart. I thought it be best to have a reel with my most up to date work, so I made a brand new one, taking in some advice from MrSimon.

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Since the last demo reel I made was only 4 months ago, I probably won't submit it to the portal. Unless you guys really want me to.

In other news, whilst I didn't make it into the NG Calendar, I do have a contribution to the Weebl's Stuff 2010 Calendar, which you can pre-order here. I'm right at the start of the year with a Pixel Shrooms piece.

In other stuff, I'll be attending the Eurogamer Games dooflip in London on Saturday. And I'll most likely be dropping in on that next London Fling a month afterwards.

Posted by Wonchop - October 15th, 2009

Okay, so uni's in full swing right about now. What has been a bit of a pisser is that what I thought was gonna be one large project across the whole year is actually two projects with about 2 months production each. Couple this with the general Weebl workage (there'll be a new Cat Face next week btw), and the mountain of games I totally need to be playing in the coming months (is it so much to ask to just skive off work so I can play Brutal Legend with Tim Shafer?), I'm a bit irked. DAMN YOU, PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES!

So as far as the project goes, I had originally planned on doing a pilot for Wonchop, but am passing on that for now, namely cos a) my tutor didn't care for it and b) it'd be pretty damn complex. So yeah, I'm going with the Date for One idea, and am currently in the process of asking various animators whom I'm somewhat familiar with for advice on how to improve my ideas.

All updates on my uni work will be uploaded to my blog at http://wonchopmonkeyman.blogspot.com, which still has a gay ass image embedding system. Right now I've got a bunch of doodles and a really crappy animatic to show. If you've got any (mature) feedback on it, please leave some.

I'm also shortlisted for this Gamer Camp thing happening in November, having a phone interview about it the other day. Will hear about that next week. if I get in, I'll producing art for an iPhone game, woot.

In other stuff I'm thinking of going to the Eurogamer convention at the end of the month.
I'll also no doubt be attending the Flip Animation Festival at the beginning of November too.

And now, to make all above text completely irrelevant, YOUTUBE VIDEOS!

First up is all the skits and stuff I animated for Channel 4's 'The Kevin Bishop Show', set to cheery Audio Portal musaks.

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Here's a random summary of mahjong anime Saki that I adapted from an Anonymous 4chan post, voiced by Kylee (aka the voice of the girl from that thing what I never animate any more). When I make enough of these short shorts I'll perhaps make another Tidbits compilation for NG release.

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Then there's....this....

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And finishing off with your obligatory Youtube poop

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K bye.

Posted by Wonchop - September 24th, 2009

Well he is.

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So once again, I fail at remembering to make newsposts.

Talk Like A Pirate Day came and went, and mine and D-Mac Double's entry, Argh Idol managed to win third place. Lords know it was better than my audio entry. Didn't manage to make anything for Madness Day though.

Back to uni next week, where I'll be beginning my final major project. Still have no idea what it should be, but whatever. It'll be busy with that, the Weebl stuff, and, if I can ever figure out what the business side of things, the return of an old partnership. Also waiting to here from this games camp thingy, where you get to learn how to make iPhone stuff.

Now if you'll excuse, I just have to punch Haruhi in the face.

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Posted by Wonchop - September 8th, 2009

Dammit, I really gotta stop putting off news posts so much that I forget what I wanna talk about.

Okay, so as you may have seen, Weebl's released the latest episode of 8 Bit Pwny Club the other week, which I once again provided additional animation for. Due to popular demand of the mushroom song that featured in that episode, we made a full version entitled Pixel Shrooms, of which I did all the animation. It's neat dabbling in the pixel style once in a while, despite some of the glitches that occur when using the extension.

The guys behind that love-or-hate series known as Sonic Shorts, have done a little stopgap collab entitled Knuckles Briefs. I contributed a small last minute dooflip to it. There'll be a Newgrounds version with extra shorts soon. Or you can just watch my silly little part here.

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I've also entered into the Talk Like a Pirate VA contest, despite the fact my mics and noise reduction skills are crap. I'm also thinking of animating one of the entries myself, provided I can pull myself away from Batman Arkham Asylum. :P

I leave you now with this. What is it? Dunno. All I know is that it even has surrond sound.

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8 Bit Shiz and Stuff

Posted by Wonchop - August 11th, 2009

Oh hey thar, here's my rundown of this weekend's meetup.

Since Friday's activities involved a beer festival (I don't like beer), I decided to start my meet on Saturday. Getting there was a pain in the ass mind. I had set the alarm on my phone to go off early, but it was still set to American time from my trip to Comic Con so there was less prep time. Was also a bit annoyed when the convenient subway line between Embankment and my hotel was closed for the weekend, and taking a taxi only to find the roads to Millenium Bridge had closed instead of just taking the Picadilly line was a stupid move on my part, and my lack of direction in finding places fails too. I made a madcap dash to the Millenium Eye, arriving just in time for the last group photo, letting out a few 'wait, fuck, not yet you bastards' whilst getting into position.
Despite it being incredibly sunny out, noone had any better ideas of where to go, so it was Namco Station yet again. It was the good ol fashion hanging out, involving boozing and chatting with some of the meetup regulars (fyi, there was no Fulp or Weebl at this meetup), playing a few games (beat Sqeezy at biking, but got my ass kicked by EddAche on table hockey) and, of course, the motherfucking bumper cars. I think I probably ended up with a slight limp for the rest of the weekend after whacking my knee against the steering wheel a couple of times, but it was still a blast.
Next was Marble Arch, though by the time I had checked into my hotel, foolishly missing the elevator and climbing five stories of stairs, got to the park, realised I hadn't eaten anything but a couple of Drumstick lollies all day and waited in line for some KFC, the party was already starting to leave. Due to my confusion about what group was going where, I got to have a look at the flat the main dudes were staying at, and regailed about lost loves and whatnot. We later went to The Sports Bar where two facts became prominent. One being that Bezman, sporting an awesome Wario-moustache for the meet, is an awesome dancing machine, and the other being that my goggles (new ones I had bought at Comic Con) were quite popular with the chicks in London.

Having been woken up by my mum, I was up considerably early than the other NGers, most likely recovering from hangovers (somehow, I never get drunk enough at these things), so I spent the morning potting around Leicester Square. Was a bit disappointed that the random hooker that approached me the last time I went to London (to see an Akira the Don gig) was replaced by some dude asking if I smoked any weed. (FYI I don't, which probably brings up more questions about my general behaviour). But I got myself a massage, played the new Rambo arcade game, went into the Pasaje Del Terror (further proving my theory that my goggles make me a sexy motherfucker), before eventually meeting up with Luis and the gang. We had a little pop in a few stores, where I began to wonder where the fuck was Klonoa for the Wii (found it on ebay though). We later got some more food and were introduced to the insanity that is Jungle Speed, the most frantic card game I've seen since their implimentation in saving the world from Egyptian evils. We played it again at the garden, though a bit of a downer came when Dim (SFB)'s bag went missing. We later went to a pub, where it became rather apparent that my ability of drinking shots was well....crap. I handle the green Castle Crasher shot a lot better though. Afterwards we all went back to the NG flat, where we played some Street Fighter IV and some more Jungle Speed. After playing a little Warioware, I headed back, awkwardly realising the difference between cabs and minicabs (the latter having no clue where anything was).

On Monday I decided to pop to Covent Garden to hang out with my bro, though I briefly ran into Kayn as well. We had a bit of a drink and catch up, Pizza Hut buffet and a lil gaming (one game being a frikkin pogo racing game from Japan), before checking out one of his friends on a plinth (the guy who followed in being an old guy chucking Mini Eggs everywhere). After that catchup, I head home, where I'm dumbstruck from being told I had started travelling at peak time whilst my return ticket was off peak, and I had to pay an extra £50. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

So yeah, apart from tha whatkindofpieceofshitestablishmentisth isfuckoffandletmebe moment, it was a fun trip. I'l have to try and not be lazy and make something whilst there's still some summer left. See you all at whatever the next NG meetup's gonna be.

Photos: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v646 /wonchop/nglondonmeet5/

NG London Meet 5 (aka the Fling)

Posted by Wonchop - July 29th, 2009

Well, I arrived back in the UK on Sunday after visiting the zoo and then spending two days at the con (really sucks I couldn't stay a little longer and attend the Behemoth party =(). It was a pretty swell time. The zoo was pretty darn awesome, despite its surprising lack of penguins, and at the con I got to see lots of NG people including old ones such as Egoraptor, Skraggy, Rubberninja, Princess Aurora, Tomamoto, Tom, Luis and Swain, to new ones like Lazymuffin, FThreat, Dan Paladin, Johnny Utah, Bluehippo, Anigen and more. It stopped just short of a showdown with Rtil. Shame. I also got interviewed for an NG documentary some guy's filming, so it should be swell, despite my generally twattery both on camera and at the hands of one, evident in the videos below.

Vid of the booth, various NG peeps and Rubberninja's arse.

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Tom Fulp is a surefire winner

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Me giving Tim Schafer a picture whilst he is slightly creeped out by my choice of words.

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Fthreat attempts to down some marinara sauce at TGI Friday's whilst Egoraptor fires lazors at himself.

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Games I played: Game 3, Castle Crashers (both PS3 and 360), Brutal Legend, Bayonetta, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Lost Planets 2, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days, Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing, Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attourney Investigations, TMNT Turtles in Time: Reshelled, Tekken 6, Spyborgs, We Cheer 2 (lol), Katamari (iphone), Invincible Tiger, Bleach 3rd Phantom, some crappy Ben 10 and Astro Boy games and I-mockery's Adobo game (pickle hats ftw).

Swag I bought: Red Castle Crasher Knight (signed by Tom and Dan), ArtRage Deluxe, Manga Studio Debut 4, MadCatz FightPad, Sam & Max Complete Series DVD.

Quote of the event: "Are you coming out this winter? Lost Planets 2 is!" - Capcom rep

That's all the stuff I have for now. I'll be sure to attend the London Fling in a couple of weeks. Ciao for now.

Comic Con Impressions

Posted by Wonchop - July 21st, 2009

Oh hey, touched down in San Diego today, ready for the two days of Comic Con I'm attending. My hotel room's pretty swizzy. It's even got a Gamecube built into the telly. Woot.
Course, my sense of direction in walking around San Diego by myself is terrible.
Planning on going to the zoo tommorow too. All the monkeys and penguins! =D

So yeah, I'll be perusing the halls of Comic Con on Thursday and Friday, most likely visiting the NG/Behemoth stand a lot, but also scouting the numerous games they'll be showing off. I should be most likely sporting an obvious piece of headwear.

Posted by Wonchop - June 16th, 2009

If you haven't already seen it, check out my new demo reel.

A couple of weeks ago, a few of us animation students were asked to tutor some kids who were visiting the university's animation department. We had a long play with stop motion, wielding some hilarious results, followed by a flash class taught by yours truly. Teaching is certainly a tricky thing, since my pace is much different from everyone elses, not to mentioned having to point with the mouse instead of the finger. Still, it's quite daunting hearing sincere 'Wow's from tweening something. Full details, and a couple of the stop motion dooflips we made can be seen here: http://wonchopmonkeyman.blogspot.com/2 009/06/teacher-for-day.html

Also, I'm still in the progress of deciding what to do for next year's final project (I must say, it's depressing reading all these 'i got my wotsit' journals when I've still got a year to go myself). I've narrowed it down to two main ideas; either do an idea called 'Date for One' or do something with the Wonchop stuff at long last. They can be read up on my blog, so give me an idea of what I should go for (taken into consideration this would be a student film).

Got my little framed certificate from NG in the post yesterday, which judging from the date I assume is from the monthly award for Narwhals. Bit late but it looks nice anyways.

Finally, here's a couple of poops I made.

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Classes, Projects, and some Poops

Posted by Wonchop - June 3rd, 2009

For those coming here after checking out my new demo reel, hello.

If you're curious about the bits n bobs I've stuck in there, let me give you a lil list, in order of appearance.

LL - Rewrite
German Xmas Market
Some fad response
Guide to Celebrity
A Clint Eastwood thing for a Sketch Show that never seemed to happen (hence why there's no motion tracking)
Energy Stoat - A 5 episode series made by Weebl's Stuff coming to E4.com at some point
Rigged Model Assignment
The Kevin Bishop Show
What happens to the Hedgehog?
Dracula (university project)
Sonic Shorts Volume 5
I love the Internet
Pico's Bouncy Funtime
Cut the Madness
you WHAAAAT? (animation test)
Guide to Advertising
Four Second Firestorm
Hot Dog Eating Contest
Cancelled part for Sonic Tribute Collab 2
Keep Your Computer Happy
Sonic Shorts Volume 1
Camp Madness
LL - Robots be Fun
Black Hole Sheep
Akira the Don - Hypocrite
ZSL Extravaganzafestathon
Baby Baboon
Bad Guy Falls in Poop
Nene's Sorrow
Hidamari Sketch inspired SheezyID
Rejected segment of Kevin Bishop Show

Woo, that was a long list.
I end with a hilarious video I found of Kyon singing to Cardcaptor Sakura.
(no really, you'll shit yourself when he gets to the chorus)

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Posted by Wonchop - May 31st, 2009

Due to peer presh from tutors I've gotten myself two things.

One is a Twitter account.
(stupid nobodies nicking my desired name and stupid 15 character limit)
Thought I might as well get one, as it'd help spread news of NG releases better.

Speaking of which, I hope you remembered Baby Baboon was in the portal right?

Secondly, I've got a blog.
I'll be primarily using this to post about university projects. If I can figure out how to incorporate it with my site I'll use it for whorings as well.

Hopefully, these will become tools to spread me out a bit more over the web. Like extra mayonnaise on tuna.
Yum yum.

In other news, I've booked my hotel for Comic-con (where I'll be attending the first 2 days) so I'll be looking forward to that.
I've also drawn my entry for this year's NG Sketchbook Tour. I just need to get off my arse and post it.

Baboons, Blogs and Twits